Health and other professionals | Eating Disorders Victoria
Home Education Health and other professionals

Early intervention is recognised as key in improving the outcomes of people suffering an eating disorder. EDV offers education workshops for professionals who may come into contact with people at risk or suffering from an eating disorder.

Professional development workshops are suitable for anyone who needs to learn more about eating disorders. Those who may especially benefit are GPs, nurses, dieticians, personal trainers, coaches, gym staff, community workers, youth workers, welfare workers and those in the fashion industry.

The following workshops are interactive and activity based. Please note that workshops can be tailored to meet specific needs.

Introductory workshop (60-90 mins)
  • Types of eating disorders
  • Risk factors
  • Warning signs
  • Protective factors


Should I Say Something? Early Intervention in eating disorders (3-4 hours)
  • Eating disorder types
  • Statistics and prevalence
  • Risk factors
  • Warning signs
  • Treatment and support options
  • How to approach someone who may be developing an eating disorder


Meet the 'Other' Experts (60 mins)

EDV has a Speakers Bank of people who have recovered from an eating disorder.  They are experienced advocates who have been trained and are able to speak of their recovery journey to a wide variety of audiences including doctors, mental health clinicians, hospital staff and others.

Please contact us for more information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Primary care

General Practitioners are the first point of call for people who feel they or a loved one may have an eating disorder. However, eating disorders are extremely complex mental illnesses that require some level of specialist knowledge to ensure symptoms are not confused with other conditions. EDV can offer training to General Practitioners and other non-specialised health practitioners to help in the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders.

Download the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) resource Eating Disorders: A Professional Resource for General Practitioners.

RACGP Accredited Education Program (2 hours)

EDV can provide professional development for GP’s, Practice Nurses and other allied health professionals within the primary health sector. This free RACGP Category 2 accredited program is delivered by experts in the field of eating disorders and will provide health professionals with training to then be able to:

  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of the different types of eating disorders
  • Understand how to diagnose eating disorders
  • Assess and manage physical risk in eating disorders
  • Recommend suitable treatment and referral options for eating

To enquire about hosting a RACGP Education Program, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Professionals working as dieticians and nutritionists are often working with a segment of the high risk population. In addition to learning skills to better identify warning signs, know how to intervene and refer appropriately, and how to support people with eating disorders who may be within their realm of responsibility. These workshops also provide information about prevention and promoting environments for all people that celebrate a diversity of body types and focus on health, not weight.

Fitness Industry

Professionals in the fitness industry are in an ideal position to identify and respond to people at risk of developing of or experiencing an eating disorder. EDV's Should I Say Something workshop is accredited by Fitness Australia.

At the completion of training, participants will typically:

  • Have a greater understanding of the relevance of body image, dieting, perfectionism and self esteem to the  development of eating disorders;
  • Better detect individuals who may be at risk of developing, or who are experiencing, an eating disorder;
  • More confidently and competently intervene and provide support to individuals who are showing the warning signs of an eating disorder;
  • Be able to devise and implement new strategies and develop skills to aid in reducing the incidence of eating disorders in their organisation.

Download the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) resource Eating Disorders in Sports and Fitness: Prevention, Early Identification and Response.

Community/Mental Health Organisations

Professionals working in the mental health field or any other community organisation have a degree of responsibility for the health of clients and a duty of care. Workshops can assist in the early prevention and early detection of eating disorders, and encourage the timely referral to professionals specialising in treating eating disorders.

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