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Logo Design

designed for business
We make you look good

Crazy Domains professional logo designers will create a unique logo to reflect your brand, style and image.

  • Logo Copyright
  • Professional Logo Designers
  • Design Reviews & Changes
  • Designed and Ready in 48 Hours
Email on the go anywhere!
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My Logo
Logo on a budget
14500 Order Now
  • 3 DesignsLogo Concepts
  • 2Revision Rounds
  • 1Designer
  • 48 HoursDesign Time
  • All FilesWeb, Print, Fax, TV
  • Full Copyright
  • Fonts Included
  • Project Manager
Logo Plus
Popular for business & startups
25000 Order Now
  • 6 DesignsLogo Concepts
  • 5Revision Rounds
  • 4Designers
  • 48 HoursDesign Time
  • All FilesWeb, Print, Fax, TV
  • Full Copyright
  • Fonts Included
  • Project Manager
Logo Pro
Best for the perfectionist
45000 Order Now
  • 12 DesignsLogo Concepts
  • UnlimitedRevision Rounds
  • 8Designers
  • 72 HoursDesign Time
  • All FilesWeb, Print, Fax, TV
  • Full Copyright
  • Fonts Included
  • Project Manager
How it works
  • Select package

    Select a custom logo design package to suit you. Then complete the simple questionnaire on our secure order form. We need to know your field of business and any ideas you may have about how you want your logo to look. Please take your time with this step. Your careful answers will form an excellent brief for our designers.

  • Complete brief

    We start work on your logo design project as soon as we receive your order request. Your team will include 1 to 8 designers, who collaborate to design your custom logo. In just 48 hours, we present you with your logo design concepts.

  • Review designs

    Now it's over to you. We wait while you review the designs and tell your design team what changes you would like. We start work on your revisions as soon as you send us your feedback. You will receive your revised logo designs within 48 hours. Depending on your package, you can request from 2 to unlimited redraws FREE of charge.

  • Logo finished

    When you are satisfied with all the changes, you finalize your logo design. We then prepare a complete logo kit for you, including all media formats for Web and Print. We send your kit as an email attachment.

Ready for:
  • web
  • print
  • fax
  • tv
Your questions, our answers
What is a logo?

A logo is an image, sign, or symbol that is used to represent a person, brand, or message. It is one of the best and most effective tools for building your identity and for generating attention and loyalty from your target customers. A company logo design needs to be unique, creative, and memorable so it can provide the greatest impact.

What are the different logo design types?


This type of logo design contains only text or words that are formatted using unique font styles and colors. Wordmarks are very simple to create because they involve few elements. They work best when the name of the organization they represent is very unique.

If you’re a small business who’s starting out in the industry, this design type is a great choice for you. It will help you communicate your message clearly to your target audience. Famous brands that use wordmarks include Google, Pinterest, Disney, Visa, and of course Crazy Domains.


Like wordmarks, these are composed of two or more letters that are stylised using unique fonts and colors. This type often focuses on the brand’s initials rather than its full title or name. This design is a great choice for company names that are too long or are difficult to pronounce. Organizations that use lettermarks include CNN, IBM, HP, P&G;, NASA, HBO, MAC Cosmetics, and ESPN.

Brandmark or Iconic

For this type, logo designers use distinctive shapes, symbols, or images to represent an organization. Brandmarks allow you to provide your target customers with a clear representation of your corporate identity without using text. They are compact and versatile images, making them easy to adjust to fit different platforms. These symbols are ideal for global organizations because they are universal and are easily recognizable.

Popular examples of brandmarks are the cool logo designs of Twitter, Nike, Microsoft, Apple, Wordpress, Instagram, Penguin Books, Target, Mercedes, and Volkswagen.

Combination Mark

This is often the emblem of choice for many businesses out there. As the name suggests, this type features a combination of words and symbols. They offer the best of both worlds, allowing companies more space to communicate their message and express the uniqueness of their identity.

Pizza Hut, Adidas, Puma, Starbucks, American Football League, Maker Studios, and Burger King are among the brands that use combination mark designs. Designer logos of clothing or fashion houses like Emporio Armani, Lacoste, Givenchy, Burberry, and Ralph Lauren also use this layout.

How to choose which type is perfect for you

Check your competition

Before you design your own logo, you must first check out what kinds of modern images or symbols your competitors are using. Are they using flashy images or are they opting for more conservative symbols and colors? Knowing what kind of emblems your competitors use will help you choose shapes, images, and colors that will set you apart. After all, being distinctive is one of the most effective ways to capture the attention of your potential customers.

Consider your corporate name

Your company’s name will significantly affect your custom logo design. If the name is too long or complicated to pronounce, you might want to opt for a lettermark or brandmark. But if it’s something that you believe will give you a significant edge over your competitors, then a wordmark or a combination mark would be the best option for you.

Think of your target audience

When designing a logo, you must also consider your customers. Who are you trying to sell your products to? Hipsters, artists, or young professionals? Are your potential clients car enthusiasts, boutique owners, or basketball fans? Are they music lovers or vintage jewelry collectors?

Identify your target market and determine what shapes, colors, and symbols appeal to them. This way, you can create an emblem that grabs their attention and gives them a lasting impression.

Consider your message

Of course, you must think of your message as well. Ask yourself the following questions: when I design my own logo, what kind of layout will best communicate my corporate identity? What kind of message do I want to deliver? What idea or concept do I want customers to think of when they see my symbol?

Once you internalize your message and keep it at the forefront of your goals, you can successfully accomplish the steps of how to design a logo and produce amazing results.

Why do you need a business logo design?

It attracts attention

A great business logo design is one that sets you apart from your competitors and captures the attention of your potential customers. You need an image that is striking enough to make your target audience stop in their tracks and want to know more about you.

This way, you can leave a lasting impression that will ensure people remember you even after they’ve left your store or website.

It markets your brand

Graphic design logos are among the best ways to advertise not only your products and services, but also your brand as a whole. It’s perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get the word out about your firm. What’s more, is that they are versatile enough to be used on virtually anything that your organization uses and produces.

It delivers your message clearly

Another benefit of a logo is that it allows you to convey your message in a clear and distinctive manner. Just imagine, you are the only establishment in the world that has that kind of image symbolizing them. So when your customers see that image, they will immediately think of you and understand the concepts or ideas that you with to communicate with them.

Make sure your designer knows and understands your message so they can properly incorporate it into your emblem.

It improves credibility and inspires trust

An emblem that is created by an expert logo designer shows that you are capable and willing to invest in your branding. It also shows that you are driven and committed to getting, and therefore offering, only the best..

This inspires trust among your consumers and will encourage them to think of you as a credible establishment worthy of their time, money, and loyalty.

What are the factors to consider when you design a logo?

Your budget

When you design a logo, one of the first things you must consider is your budget as this process can cost a considerable amount of money and time. Pricing can also vary depending on the complexity of the emblem you want created. The designer rates will also depend on how quickly you want the image to be finished, and the amount of required changes and drafts you require.

Luckily, here at Crazy Domains, we offer several packages to fit a wide range of budgets. This way, you can enjoy top quality results without having to worry about breaking the bank.

Your specific industry

Before you decide on an online logo design, check what kind of images and symbols fit your industry. Remember that your logo not only needs to be well-designed and unique, but also relevant to your trade. This way, it will be easy for your customers to associate your emblem with your brand.

You can also use the colors and shapes of your industry as inspiration so you and your designer can come up with striking and one-of-a-kind image.

Your advertising plans

Your logo is an integral part of your branding, and you will be using it on all your promotions. This is why it’s important make sure your professional designer creates a symbol that is timeless and versatile. It must be something that can easily be adjusted to fit the times and the different formats of your marketing collateral. Keep this in mind when you hire logo design services.

Your personality

Of course, you also need to consider the distinct personality and qualities of your brand. Think about what makes your organization different. This does not only refer to your products and services, but also to the way you do business.

Also, think about the kind of impact you want to provide to consumers. Once you’ve got this nailed down, it will be easier for you to find logo designs for sale that are perfect for you.

Where can you use your logo?


You can stamp your logo designs on the packaging of your merchandise or on the product itself. Make sure you are clever with where you print it: your logo should be strategically placed so that it’s clearly visible but not obstructing the label of the product. Your professional designer can give you some useful tips on choosing the right placement for your logo.

Web profiles and promotions

These include your website, blog, and social media profiles. If you develop your own apps, you can also place this symbol there. This way, you can make all your internet advertising consistent and cohesive.

Offline promotional materials

Incorporate your professional logo design into traditional marketing materials such as posters, flyers, and banners. Also, make sure it is included in all your promotional merchandise like shirts, coffee mugs, pens, water bottles, and calendars. Stamping your corporate insignia on giveaways and other complimentary items is also a good idea.

Corporate materials

These refer to anything that you use in the office or are used by your own employees, including letterheads, IDs, uniforms, calling cards, and forms. You can also incorporate your insignia in your office décor as well as in the template used for presentations and reporting.