ALH Group acknowledges that the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverage products and the provision of gambling products bring important responsibilities with them. ALH Group is proud of the social and entertainment experience that we provide to our customers. In delivering that experience we are committed to upholding high ethical standards for our business operations including the purchase, sale, consumption and promotion of our products and services.

These responsibilities involve a consideration of the harm that may be caused by problem gambling and/or excessive alcohol consumption upon individuals and society.

While we believe that problem gambling and excessive alcohol consumption are primarily the responsibility of an individual, our goal is to lead the industry to achieve a position of best practice and high standards of ethical behaviour to minimise the potential harm to any of our customers. ALH Group strives to be the country's most responsible operator of leisure, alcohol and gaming facilities by optimising our safety, social, ethical, economical and environmental impacts.

We achieve this by adhering to the following ethical principles:

  • Provision of relevant induction training, support policies, procedures and information for our staff and suppliers
  • Access to relevant training, support and information for our staff, customers and suppliers
  • Provision of relevant and appropriate information about our gambling products to our customers
  • Appropriate support for customers with acknowledged problem gambling and/or excess alcohol issues
  • Participation in best practice industry and government forums
  • Provision of a safe, healthy and fair environment in which to work and socialise.

ALH Group licensed venues are frequently the hub of a local community - a meeting place for friends, family and social and community groups.

We encourage our venue managers to engage with local community groups and to facilitate the use of our venues for fundraising and events.

Alcohol and Gambling related advertising and promotions contained on ALH Group websites are not implicitly or explicitly directed at minors, excluded persons, or vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.

For more information on ALH Group's commitment to responsible service, please see:

Our Hotel And Gaming Charter

  • We provide a safe, friendly environment in which all hotel customers can socialise and enjoy themselves in a good atmosphere.
  • We provide good value, good quality meals and family friendly dining experiences.
  • We believe we have a shared responsibility, along with individuals, families, communities and governments, to ensure responsible behaviour.
  • We do not conduct promotions which encourage irresponsible drinking. 
  • We restrict gaming room access to adults and ensure gaming rooms are screened or separated from other areas of the hotel, as to not to attract children.
  • We support voluntary pre-commitment – a system that helps players stick to their limit by nominating maximum spending or time limits on gaming machines. This system has been implemented at all Victorian, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australian hotels.
  • We train our staff to be aware of behaviour that may indicate gambling problems and to provide appropriate patron support.  
  • We partner with expert groups and specialists who can help staff and patrons deal with problem gambling, including Gamblers’ Help (Australia’s leading professional counselling service) and the Salvation Army.
  • We ensure that ATM machines, where approved, are provided for the convenience of all patrons in a safe, central location and not in gaming areas.
  • We support local communities in numerous ways, including working with charities to raise money through our hotels.
  • We conduct internal and external audits to ensure we deliver on our commitment to be Australia’s most responsible operator of hotels.

Introduced 2010, Updated 2016


ALH Group is committed to implementating detailed environmental management systems to help minimise our impact on the environment. This includes reducing our emission of greenhouse gases from lighting, power and refrigeration, and minimising waste through more efficient recycling.