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Andrew Legget Answered by Andrew Legget 2d ago

Tracking performance


Hi, new to investing. Just wondering if there is a way of viewing all your shares' current profits without having to calculate them everytime.

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Andrew Legget Answered by Andrew Legget 3d ago

Where do I buy shares?


Seems like a stupid question, but how I do buy shares? I go on the company page I'm interested in and there's no option to buy shares?

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Graham Witcomb Answered by Graham Witcomb 4d ago

Resmed dividend misquote


Dear II team I see on ASX update page that the recent dividend is quoted at 15.596c and you have it as 3.05c. I pull the ASX div data into my spreadsheet and got all excited with a huge div from RMD but quickly realised it must be an error on ASX's part. I let the ASX know and 'they will look into it'. Just in case anyone else gets caught and spends the div before it's paid!!

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James Carlisle Answered by James Carlisle 5d ago

Q&A responses


1. Would it be possible to enhance your q and a so that other members could also chip in, similar to the discussion threads you have on articles?

2. In relation to the discussion thread, not that it's a big deal, is it possible to have an alert or 'notify me' if an when a response occurs ?

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James Greenhalgh Answered by James Greenhalgh 5d ago

Myer and recent retail collapses


With the recent bankruptcies of Australian fashion brands, driven by the entry of international global brands with better global supply chain, do you think MYER would suffer as well, or do you think they occupy different (more expensive) niche than the like of Herringbone, Rhodes & Beckett,etc?

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Philip Bish Answered by Philip Bish 1w ago

Forager Australian Fund NAV


We went with Steve Johnson into the TII Australian Share Fund when it opened, and its done really well. (Thanks Steve, if you're watching!) Now its Forager and ASX listed. $1.66 in NAV (Net Asset Value), but trading at $1.845 - a premium of roughly 11%. We're staying, but as a general rule, in a closed listed fund like this, what premium to NAV would you suggest makes sense (10%?), and what would you see as excessive (25%?)? We would probably buy more if it fell 10% or so under NAV. Its now approaching 5% of our Aussie share portfolio - is there a portfolio limit you could suggest? We were thinking along the lines of Platinum (6%) and Perpetual (7%). Kind Regards, Rob & Julie

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Philip Bish Answered by Philip Bish 1w ago

Argo Global Listed Infrastructure


Argo Global Listed Infrastructure (ALI) is getting near a 14% discount to post-tax NTA. I realise possible rising interest rates may come into play however do you start to see some value here?

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Philip Bish Answered by Philip Bish 1w ago

WAM Capital (WAM)


Your recommendation on WAM Capital (WAM), please.

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Philip Bish Answered by Philip Bish 1w ago

ETFs and LICs overpaying for shares


Hello II Team, When looking to buy shares investors are constantly told not to pay too much for them. How is it then that if I want to invest in a fund (including units in an exchange traded fund (ETF) or listed investment company (LIC)) that my money will be invested by the manager at whatever the going price is for the underlying asset at that particular point in time? Surely, if I buy a share through a broker and pay more for it than what analysts say it is really worth and then invest in a managed fund which has the same share as one of its holdings, then the manager will also pay too much for that share? Should I wait for a market retracement before investing in a fund if the underlying assets in that fund are generally thought to be overpriced? Thanks.

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Philip Bish Answered by Philip Bish 1w ago

LIC reviews


Hi, I really liked Mitchell Sneddon's reviews on Listed Investment companies (LICs) as well as the LIC model portfolio. Where on the website can I access all articles written by specific people from the Eureka of old?

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