Babysitter asked to stop smoking... only it wasn't a cigar

Sarah pictured with the offending "cigar".
Sarah pictured with the offending "cigar". Photo: Twitter/@sarahholder

Kansas high school student Sarah Holder, was driving along eating a taquito, when she received a message from her neighbour, Amy, mother of the kids Sarah babysits.

"Hey sweetie!," Amy texted. "Randy was out mowing when he said he noticed you drive past smoking a cigar of some sort.

"A lot of children live on the street so I will speak on their behalf and request you keep your habits private from the kids!"

Yep. Randy, Amy's husband, thought Sarah's delicious snack was a cigar ...

Defending herself against the ridiculous charge, Sarah took to twitter to share her response to the text: "My Whole neighbour gossiping about my smoking habit," she captioned the image.


Sarah's tweet has since been shared over 60,000 times - and, unsurprisingly, Amy and Randy haven't fared too well ...

Needless to say, Amy hasn't yet responded to Sarah's text.
