

Malcolm Turnbull, ideologue-in-chief

"Some people," said Malcolm Turnbull, way back in 2011, "would say that as we have a vested interest in coal being burned, we should oppose action on climate change and ... muddy the waters on climate science in order to prolong the export billions from coal mining." Thus spoke the once principled pragmatist, now repurposed by the Liberal right as the ideologue-in-chief. Thus spoke a man now unable to resist taking pot shots at state-based renewables, or blaming South Australia's recent energy woes on the shift from coal to wind despite clear advice to the contrary.

What we're told by the New Malcolm – who has accused South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill of complacency in the wake of last week's blackout – is that "if anyone had a vested interest in showing that you could do really smart, clean things with coal it would be us". So when it comes to vested interests, our Prime Minister has come full circle. Some people.

It's tempting, at this juncture, to quote former ABC Lateline host Tony Jones, who once reminded Turnbull ''you can't rewrite history. You can't un-say what you said". True enough. And the PM must certainly rue some of the things he said way back when he said what he meant. Like, for instance, when he told us in 2012 that "blatant misrepresentations, exaggerations or outright lies in politics should in theory be easily revealed" – as though warning us, from the past, about the mendacity of his future self.

Turnbull's warning, issued half a decade ago, is indeed self-relevant. Because it turns out that preliminary analysis of South Australia's statewide blackout, cautioning that the generation mix was "not to blame", was provided to the government within hours of the event. That didn't stop Turnbull, hot off the mark, from linking the blackout to South Australia's renewable target and then, in an act of breathtaking hypocrisy, accusing state governments of "political gamesmanship".

It gets worse, too. As last week ushered in record-breaking temperatures across four Australian states along with bushfire conditions that were "without precedent", there was our Prime Minister, flanked by two cabinet ministers that ought to have more than a passing interest in the ongoing viability of Australia's ecosystems and agriculture, smirking as the Treasurer brandished a lump of coal to the unrestrained delight of the frontbench. A lump of Hunter Valley coal, I hasten to add, hewn from the same earth ravaged by the most devastating fire conditions in Australian history last weekend.

And the irony doesn't end there, either. Because in the Hunter region that is home to a significant portion of Australia's thermal coal reserves, power was also curtailed to stave off mass blackouts, because that network – served by two of the nation's largest coal-fired power stations – simply couldn't cope with the record demand prompted by the diabolical heat. It's not outrageous to suggest that more coal is probably the last thing we need, which makes the spectacle of ScoMo cavorting in Parliament with a totem of our fossil fuel dependence all the more unseemly.


Why though, is a rational approach to energy policy seemingly out of reach? Why are even the most economically rational and conservative reforms taken off the table, sometimes less than 48 hours after they are broached? How can a government that claims to be "agnostic" when it comes to energy – and repeatedly calls on the opposition to ditch the ideology – be so conspicuously reluctant to contemplate, or even talk about, certain policy options?

Well Turnbull gave us a clue there too when he told us, all those years ago, "there is almost nowhere else in our national life where the incentives to be untruthful or to purposefully mislead are so great, and the adverse consequences of such behaviour so modest". So there you have it – pearl of wisdom from the man himself, who still had relatively little to lose by speaking his mind, who also lamented "the hopeless, confused, hyper-partisan nature of the [climate change] debate" well before he became the mouthpiece for that hopeless, confused, and hyper-partisan debate.

It's depressing to think that the individual who once tried to warn us, who tried to call it out, has since helped shape a political era in which the partisanship over climate change and energy policy is actually worse, the national dialogue more confused, and our collective sense of hopelessness greater than ever. And if you think that's stretching the truth, then consider the fact that even the managing director of one of the largest operators of coal-fired generation is able to speak the words that our Prime Minister cannot bring himself to utter – that renewables, not coal, are the way of the future. And Energy Australia's Catherine Tanna is not the only one pleading for an end to the partisan rhetoric, or a timely transition to clean energy.

Turnbull's contemporary utterances on climate and energy are too awful to bear – I'm done with them. I like his old stuff better than his new stuff, including this, my all-time favourite: "If you love your country, have an interest in politics or policy, and care deeply about our nation's future, there's nothing more certain to arouse your fury and invite your contempt than listening to an entire House of Representatives question time."

So true, and never more so than after the Treasurer's antics last week. "Don't be afraid, don't be scared," said Morrison, "it's coal!" It's not just coal though, it's what it represents: power. And when you look at what that's done to Turnbull, maybe we should be scared.