Cathy McGowan: Member for Indi

Putting Indi First

In December 2013 when I delivered my first speech in Parliament, I said “The people of Indi have a vision for a community where people feel they belong and have a sense of purpose, where people pull together and help each other, where diversity, acceptance and tolerance are valued; a community that has quality services, infrastructure, education, jobs and health and opportunities for the next generation”.

This vision has not diminished, it has been the roadmap for my work in my first three years as the Independent Federal Member for Indi and it will continue to be the roadmap for my work in the next three years.

My work in the first term was based on commitments I made during the 2013 election campaign; this work will continue with an additional layer of issues and priorities, identified during the extensive community consultations I have held across Indi. What began as a community-driven campaign in 2013 has become ‘The Indi Way’ – a choice for the future. Indi will thrive, as more organisations, groups, communities and people gains the skills and confidence to seek their own solutions, make plans and take action to get results.

You can find my speech for the campaign launch on June 5 here or watch the proceedings online

Documents that were available at my launch can be downloaded below:

  • Latest Newsletter can be found here




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