Cathy McGowan: Member for Indi

Snapshot Positions

Find each snapshot position below, further detailed information for each position will become available soon.

  1. Improved telecommunications infrastructure so that all rural and regional Australians have the right to access vital online government services.
  2. Establishment of an Independent Office for Animal Welfare to maintain Australian’s high animal welfare standards
  3. Refugees have a right to seek asylum and to be treated humanely, under Australia’s commitment to the United Nations
  4. A strong and supported national Australian Defence industry
  5. Against cattle grazing in our national parks based on scientific evidence of negative impact to the environment
  6. Retention of face-to-face Centrelink services in small regional towns
  7. Digital radio and greater access to regional news and media services
  8. Tougher legislation to protect those affected by family violence
  9. Establishment of a Federal ICAC to provide greater transparency at a national level
  10. Legitimate use of licenced firearms and no roll back on existing legislation
  11. Extension of the House of Representatives terms to four years fixed term
  12. Systems which ensure a healthy Australian food supply including better labelling of origin so it is easier to buy Australian made food
  13. No deals with any political party in a hung parliament, I will continue to put the interests of Indi first when considering each and every piece of business put before Parliament
  14. Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the process to progress a treaty and efforts to meet the Close the Gap targets
  15. Against further expansion of water storage on the Buffalo river system 
  16. Marine sanctuaries in line with scientific evidence and sustainable fishing in Australian waters
  17. Removal of discrimination and marriage equality for all
  18. New medical school for this region
  19. Support the Australian Governments approach to National security through Australia’s Counter Terrorism Strategy
  20. Support community driven initiatives for gambling reform
  21. Protection of regional news, sport and events
  22. Support the Federal and State Government’s approach to funding and sustaining safer schools, including the Safe Schools Coalition Australia program
  23. Save funding for our ABC
  24. Reform of superannuation but not retrospective legislation
  25. Reforms for a fairer tax system
  26. Free Trade Agreements (“FTAs”) that are transparent and benefit Australia without compromising our independence

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