Cathy McGowan: Member for Indi



Cultural Economy and Indi

The Australian National University in Canberra offers the opportunity for students to undertake a six month internship which counts towards their degree through the Australian National Internship Program. The internship requires the formation of a research report on a topic decided between the intern and the supervisor. This year Ruby Holloway has written a report on the cultural economy of Indi with the goal of finding ways to form a strategic approach to the arts in Indi. 

Read more and download the report and summary 


Budget Impact Tour

The Indi Budget Impact Tour 2015 Report has been published. The report was put together after significant community consultation on the Budget at Listening Posts throughout the electorate and via contact with the office. Thanks to the 351 people who responded in two weeks, and volunteers for helping compile the information. 

Read more and download the report here

Kitchen Table Conversations

The Kitchen Table Conversation process is built on a foundation of important values:

  • Diversity of opinion is welcomed and valued; and party political allegiance is no barrier to participation
  • Everyone participating is listened to and treated with respect
  • Listening and understanding is the primary focus of the conversations
  • Everyone’s views and opinions will be recorded faithfully and represented honestly

During April, May and June 2015, all across the Indi electorate from Marysville to the Tallangatta Valley, groups of people are invited to meet together for kitchen table conversations. Hosts will then collate and submit their conversation’s responses to my office, where they will be compiled into a report.

Read more and download the report here


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