Cathy McGowan: Member for Indi

Agriculture and Food Manufacturing

Indi's strength lies in agriculture - we need a vision and a plan to ensure our farmers and other agri-businesses are able to adapt to the challenges of globalisation

To view my commitments to this area, please click here


  • Delivered the Australian Manufacturing & Farming Programme (AMFP) Forum 2015 in Wodonga to showcase Indi’s diversity of manufacturing, farming and food production industries.
  • Provided opportunities for manufacturers, farmers and food producers to discuss concerns with all levels of government at AMFP 2015.
  • Called on the Government to provide meaningful leadership and vision to support and grow agriculture, food manufacturing and related businesses 

  • Worked with the community to provide feedback to the first round of the Government's Agriculture White Paper

  • Guest speaker at the CSU Agrifoods Opportunities Forum 2015 about the important role education providers will play in the future of agriculture in regional Australia.

  • Supported applications for funding for local organisations that help deliver sustainable and adaptive agriculture businesses, such as Landcare 

  • Lobbied for more investment to educate more agricultural professionals in regional Australia

  • Begun to meet with the range of stakeholders in water management, such as Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, to discuss how Indi can make better use of its water

  • Supported continuation of Australian dung beetle importation projects

  • Asked the Government to improve the measures to protect animal welfare in live exports

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