1800 177 725

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Counselling, information and referral

For men


Hearing the news “I’m pregnant” can be a shock, and might be the start of a stressful time for the woman and the man involved if the pregnancy is unplanned or if it's happened at a time when one or both of you weren't ready. 

Some women and couples find the decision straight forward.  Some do not and sometimes making a decision about an unplanned pregnancy can be stressful for everyone involved.  

If you're the man involved in an unplanned pregnancy you might have found it difficult to know where to go to for information or support. This section of our website is for you. It has information and resources on:

You can also contact us if you have more specific questions, or search the rest of the site to see if what you're looking for is here already. 

If you'd like to contact a specialist relationship counselling service to talk about your feelings or your options, check out Relationships Australia. They work extensively with couples in resolving differences and working through relationship challenges. 

Alternatively, if you're struggling with your feelings about the pregnancy and feel you'd like some longer term support, you can chat to your GP about a mental health plan. 

Also don't forget that with unplanned pregnancy and abortion being common in Australia, chances are you know someone who's been there. Don't be afraid to seek some support from friends or relatives who will listen to you without judging. 

Last modified on: 04 July 2016
For men
04 July 2016