1800 177 725

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Counselling, information and referral

Facts and Figures

Abortion | Adoption | Contraception | Health and social policy | Unplanned pregnancy | Violence 


Fact sheets

Submissions and papers 

Additional resources


Adoption and alternative care

Fact sheets 

Submissions and papers 

Additional resources

  • Past and present adoptions in Australia: resource by the Australian Institute of Family Studies outlining current adoption policies and practices in Australia and examining the history of adoption. 
  • Forced adoptions history project: website created by the National Archives of Australia to 'increase awareness and understanding of forced adoptions. 



Fact sheets

Submissions and reports

Additional resources 

  • Contraception factsheets: series of resources by True Relationships and Reproductive Health (formerly Family Planning Queensland) outlining the efficacy, availability, cost, possible side effects etc of different contraceptive options for men and women. 
  • Efficacy of contraception methods [pdf]: single page comparison of the efficacy rates for typical use of contraceptive methods available in Australia, by the Family Planning Alliance of Australia (formerly Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia). 


Health and social policy 

Submissions and papers 

Additional resources


Unplanned pregnancy 

Fact sheets 

Additional resources

  • Making a decision: this worksheet was developed by our counselling team, for women considering their options with an unplanned pregnancy. 
  • Best practice principles: this resource was developed by our counselling team, for professionals working with women who may experience an unplanned pregnancy. 



Fact sheets

Submissions and papers 

Additional resources

  • Ending Violence Against Women Queensland (EVAWQ): peak body of women's health, sexual assault and domestic violence services in Queensland, formed in 2015 to advocate on gender-based violence, of which Children by Choice is a proud member. 
  • Our Watch: a national body working to change the 'culture, behaviours and attitudes that lead to violence against women and children' 
  • Exposing Reproductive Coercion [pdf]: A toolkit for awareness-raising, assessment, and intervention: produced by the Feminist Women's Health Centre and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, United States. 
Last modified on: 29 September 2016
Facts and Figures
29 September 2016