
Toddler Milk testimonials

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Find out what Mums think of Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink.

Mum’s Kavita & Andrea contacted our Blackmores Advisory team asking to try our new Toddler Milk. When asked what they thought here are their responses*:

My little one “LOVED IT” to say the least.  I tried a few samples of some other brands and he absolutely hated them. He can’t get enough of it.

I made up a 200ml bottle for him of your Blackmores toddler drink and he screamed for more he ended up drinking 400mls which is double what he has ever drank.

I am so impressed that he didn’t even notice the difference from his old formula to yours.  His love of milk is back and it’s all thanks to Blackmores.

I love the fact that it mixes so easy, smells better than other formula’s and the big one is that it’s good for him.

I would like to thank you so much for sending it to me and guess what I have gone out today and bought 4 more tins of it.

I was really afraid that he wasn’t going to like milk but now with Blackmores he loves it.

I am also a huge fan of Blackmores…. I swear by your products and will go on to support you.

If you ever have anything else that you would like us to trial I would be more than happy.

We are your number one fan.

And once again I can’t thank you enough.

Kavita, QLD

We have tried the formula and he Drinks it YAY!!!, doesn't even notice it's different. And not only that he seems more settled and sleeps longer and all night without stirring :) I am so happy and I don't know why I didn't switch him sooner.

Thank you for your time, patience and your sample to help me give my baby a great choice. I will be recommending Blackmores formula to all my mummy friends.

Samples for the hospital and pharmacy bags would be a great thing too :)

Kind regards

Andrea, TAS

*The reviewer has received a gift voucher from Blackmores in thanks for their feedback

For more information on Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink click here