Heart & circulation

Action plan

Smart Heart ™ Cholesterol Challenge

Take our 8-week challenge designed to help you lower your cholesterol.

  1. Know your cholesterol
  2. Eat heart-healthy food
  3. Exercise 30 minutes per day
  4. Walk instead of sit
  5. Blackmores Smart Heart™
0 ratings 1 comments
Heart & circulation
01 April 2010



Some people develop chilblains after their skin is exposed to cold or damp conditions.

0 ratings 9 comments
05 July 2010

Heart health (cardiovascular health)


Heart problems can have extremely serious consequences, but in many cases adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk.

0 ratings 2 comments
01 April 2010

Varicose veins


Varicose veins affect 20-25% of women and 15% of men.

12 ratings 4 comments
Heart & circulation

Cholesterol Health®


This product is Out of stock.

This product is available for pre-order.

Blackmores Cholesterol Health® provides a relevant dose of plant sterols to help maintain blood cholesterol within normal healthy range in healthy people.

Vegetable oil phytosterol esters(plant sterols):1 g (1000 mg)

Betacarotene:1.5 mg

Betacarotene is a fat soluble antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables- particularly carrots. Also called provitamin A, betacarotene is converted into vitamin A in the body.


Adults – Take 1 capsule twice daily with main meal, or as professionally prescribed.

Children under 12 years – Only as professionally prescribed.
  • There is no benefit from taking more than 3 g/day of phytosterols (plant sterols) from all sources
  • Not suitable for pregnant or lactating women
  • Not for the treatment of high cholesterol
  • Blood cholesterol levels should be regularly checked
  • If already taking cholesterol medication see a healthcare professional before making any changes
Heart & circulation

CardiWell™ Omega Q10


This product is Out of stock.

This product is available for pre-order.

This formula contains relevant doses of both omega-3 fatty acids and CoQ10 to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Concentrated omega-3 triglycerides fish:432 mg providing omega-3 marine triglycerides 251 mg

Providing omega-3 marine triglycerides: 251 mg as:
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 147 mg
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 104 mg

Ubidecarenone(coenzyme Q10):50 mg

Coenzyme Q10, is a vitamin-like substance that is found in every cell in the body. Food sources of coenzyme Q10 include meat, fish, nuts, spinach, cauliflower and soy beans.


Adults – Take 2 capsules a day with breakfast, or as professionally prescribed.

Children under 12 years – only as professionally prescribed.

  • Do not take while on warfarin therapy without medical advice
  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • If you are already taking heart medication see your doctor before making any changes
  • May occasionally cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms