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The Advice Hub

Featuring consultants ready to offer expert guidance on everything from baby basics to safety recommendations, the Advice Hub is the perfect place to ask all your parenting questions. The Advice Hub offers free, confidential, one-on-one support by qualified professionals.

Please check back for an updated list of the Advice Hub participants closer to the Show date.


Mater Mothers’ first aid for babies

At Mater Mothers we believe that being well-informed is crucial to your wellbeing and peace of mind. Visit our Mater Mothers’ first aid staff in The Advice Hub for questions on how to care for a baby or toddler in an emergency, how to identify, respond to and manage common infant injuries and emergencies and when to go to hospital.

You can also find out about our 2.5 hour hands-on first aid for babies’ course held at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals, which is ideal for parents and grandparents.

Baby and toddler first aid is another step to continuing Mater’s exceptional care into the home.

Visit our website

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Australian Breastfeeding Association

The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) provides information and support to mothers who want to breastfeed or provide breastmilk for their babies. The Breastfeeding Education program provides women wishing to breastfeed with factual information on the how, what, when and where about breastfeeding before they give birth.

Visit the friendly ABA staff in The Advice Hub for tailored answers for you and your baby.

Click here to view their website.

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Emotional Wellbeing For Expectant and New Parents (The Gidget Foundation)

A new baby can bring excitement along with challenges.  Most new parents struggle at some time during those early months of parenthood. Some parents become anxious and depressed.  Looking after our emotional health is important for all new parents.

The Gidget Foundation Australia is a not for profit organisation that provides programs and resources to support the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents.  We also provide professional education, and services for parents in need.                                      

Visit our stand for a chat with the friendly Gidget staff.  We can answer questions and share some tips and tricks on looking after yourself.

Visit our website

Australian Dental Association

To ensure healthy teeth for life, dental care should start early. Member dentists from ADA will be available to answer all of your questions about caring for your baby’s or toddler’s teeth with lots of handy hints and information on topics such as: seeing the dentist for the first time, soothing teething toddlers and preventing childhood decay.

Visit the Advice Hub to talk to our friendly dental professionals about looking after for your smile during pregnancy and caring for your baby’s and/or toddler’s teeth.

Visit our website

Parent Line

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging things that you will ever do, and there may be times in your life as a parent or carer when you require some professional support.

Parentline QLD is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for all Queensland parents and carers with children aged from birth to 18 years. Counsellors work with callers to assist with the development of strategies and skills that promote confidence, resilience and wellbeing of families. Staff are qualified and experienced social workers and psychologists.

Visit our website

Red Nose

Babies and young children spend a lot of their time sleeping, so it’s vital they are slept in a safe sleeping environment to reduce the risk of SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents.

Red Nose provides evidence-based community education programs and supports world class research. Since introducing the Sleep Safe My Baby public health program in 1990 we have reduced the risk of SIDS and sleeping accidents in Australia by 80%. There is no rulebook for parents and carers. But there are facts. And that’s the only thing we are interested in.

Visit our website