MMFAFB web-1712

Mater Mothers’ First Aid for Babies

All of us hope to never be put in a position where we need to try and save our child’s life, but the reality is that it could happen to any of us. Emergencies happen in a split second, and we need to be prepared to deal calmly and confidently in a high-stress situation where our kids need us the most.

We are proud to offer a limited number of condensed infant First Aid courses by Mater Mothers’ Hospitals and Mater Education at our Brisbane Show. Attend a 90-minute practical session covering resuscitation, choking, recognising when your baby is unwell, respiratory illness and allergic reactions. The Mater Mothers’ First Aid for Babies course equips parents with the knowledge, skills and confidence to care for their baby should they face an emergency.


These courses are focused on children from birth up to two years of age, and is ideal for parents and grandparents. The 90-minute course is conducted by paediatric nurses with a significant background in education to both parents and clinical staff.

All courses are baby-friendly for participants with infants up to 9 months with the exception of Saturday and Sunday 2:15pm sessions which are Adults-only. If you have a child older than 9 months and are not able to leave them with a carer, we also have a daily first aid demonstration on our Main Stage that you are welcome to attend, as an introduction to First Aid.

Please note that the course venue is within the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, with stair-access only. Pram storage facilities will be provided during course times on the ground floor.

Course Summary

Duration: 90 minutes
Timing: 10am, 12pm and 2.15pm Daily
Cost: $39 per person
Capacity: 24 per session
Course Conductors: Trained Facilitators from Mater Mothers’ First Aid for Babies

Click here to get your free Show ticket and book your First-Aid course today.

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