Terms and Conditions

General Terms & Conditions for 3AW Competitions


Effective: September 2016


Radio 3AW Melbourne Pty Ltd (3AW) runs competitions across the station’s programs, including competitions that involve an element of chance in order to determine the winner and competitions that are games of skill, where the winner is determined by assessing entries against judging criteria.

By entering into a competition to win a Prize, you (You, Entrant) acknowledge and accept these general terms and conditions of entry (Terms), as amended by 3AW from time to time and displayed on its webpage at http://www.3aw.com.au/ unless other terms and conditions specific to the competition apply to the exclusion of these Terms.


Eligibility to win a Prize

In order to be eligible to win a Prize, You must:

  • be a resident of Victoria, unless otherwise specified or determined in 3AW’s absolute discretion; and 
  • submit your entry so that it is received by the competition closing time (AEST/AEDT) and date.  The time of entry will in each case be the time specified on the 3AW website.

You are not eligible to enter a competition if You are a current employee or immediate family member of:

  • the Macquarie Media Limited group of companies; and  
  • any other organisation associated with the specific competition


If You are under 18 years of age and You win a Prize, it may be awarded to Your parent or guardian, unless a competition contains an age eligibility requirement or is otherwise non-transferrable.

You can only enter each competition once unless otherwise specified.



How to Enter

Entry to competitions may be by phone, by internet via 3AW’s competition webpage at http://www.3aw.com.au/competitions, or by other means as determined by 3AW from time to time.

For competitions requiring phone entryThe 3AW number is 03 96 900 693 or 13 13 32.  




Under these Terms, Prizes are defined as follows:

A Major Prize is a Prize that is between $500 and above in value.

A Minor Prize is a Prize that is valued at up to $500.


Prize Notification, Restrictions and Fulfilment

The names of winners may be announced on air or listed on 3AW’s website at http://www.3aw.com.au/win and by contacting winners directly.

It can take up to six weeks for winners to receive their Prize.

Unless otherwise determined by 3AW in its absolute discretion:

  • only one Minor Prize can be won by an Entrant OR a member of the same household within an eight week period; and
  • only one Major Prize can be won in a competition conducted by 3AW or any station of the Macquarie Media Limited radio network by an Entrant within a twelve month period.

Winners cannot exchange Prizes for cash or for any other prize.

Once the prize has been dispatched by 3AW or the third party responsible for administering the Prize, 3AW does not accept responsibility regarding breakages or loss of parcel. In case of lost mail the winner will need to liaise directly with their local post office and replacements are not guaranteed.

In some cases, winners may be required to collect their Prize from the studios/reception of 3AW. If a winner is unable to do so, the winner will have the option of incurring the cost of a courier or postage, or will forfeit the Prize.

If a Prize is not available due to unforeseen circumstances, 3AW reserves the right to exchange the prize for something of equal or greater value.

In the event that for any reason whatsoever a winner does not take an element of the Prize in the time stipulated by 3AW then that element of the prize will be forfeited by the winner and cash will not be awarded in lieu of that element of the prize.

When a Prize is for entry to or participation in a show, concert or an event (Event), and the Event is cancelled, 3AW is not liable to replace the Prize as such Prizes are conditional upon the Event taking place. Replacement Prizes will be at the discretion of the 3AW.



Information Collection and Privacy

In addition to these Terms, by entering a competition You accept 3AW’s Privacy Policy as amended from time to time and available on the 3AW website.  

Entrants may be required to provide their personal details including, but not limited to, full name, email, address, phone number and correct answer. Incomplete entries will not be included in the draw.

All entrants’ details are automatically entered on the 3AW promotions database.  A record of all winners is also maintained.

By entering into a competition, you consent to your personal information (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988) being used for direct marketing by 3AW and prize providers of competitions conducted by 3AW, as well as for the purpose of distribution of Prizes by 3AW and third parties. You can elect to opt out at any time by selecting ‘unsubscribe’ when you receive direct marketing material.




By entering a 3AW competition, You acknowledge and agree that:

  1. Throughout the competition period 3AW may contact Entrants to interact with the station on air / online / in social media in relation to the competition.
  2. Entrants may be required by 3AW to participate in photo, recording, video and/or film session(s) and acknowledge that they assign, by way of present assignment of future copyright, the right to use such publicity materials in any medium (including, without limitation, the internet) and in any reasonable manner it sees fit.
  3. It is a condition of Entry that 3AW has the right to publicise, broadcast and communicate to the public the names, characters, likenesses or voices of Entrants for any competition or matter incidental to the competition.  By agreeing to enter, You consent to your entry being broadcast on air and to Your telephone and other conversations with 3AW or its representatives being broadcast on air and communicated to the public on via any medium.  You will not be compensated for this use.
  4. 3AW and its representatives may conduct security and ID verification checks in their absolute discretion to determine the Entrant’s eligibility to enter a competition and win the Prize.
  5. 3AW has the right to temporarily or permanently disqualify any person from taking part in any competitions if, in its sole discretion, 3AW deems that person to have broken the rules of the general prize giveaways.
  6. All decisions by 3AW are final and at the discretion of 3AW.  No discussion or correspondence will be entered into in this regard.
  7. If entry or a Prize involves travel, stunts or challenges 3AW may, at its discretion, require the participants to:
    a.      Submit to a medical examination by a medical practitioner approved by 3AW and obtain relevant medical clearance to participate in the competition and redeem a Prize; and
    b.      Execute a Deed of Release and Indemnity in a form prescribed by 3AW in order to participate further in the competition and redeem a Prize.
  8. You release from, and indemnify 3AW and Macquarie Media Limited against, all loss,(including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss), damage, expense and personal injury which is suffered or sustained (including without limitation to that caused by any person’s negligence) arising from the participation in a competition or acceptance of a Prize,  except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case liability is limited to the minimum amount allowable by law).
  9. Where a specific competition is subject to additional terms, in the event of any inconsistency between the additional terms and these Terms, the additional terms will supersede these Terms in relation to the inconsistency only. 
  10. Notwithstanding any other condition of these specific competition rules, Radio 3AW reserves the right to withdraw the competition at any time and for any reason whatsoever, subject to any regulatory requirements.
  11. 3AW is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any network or lines, computer online systems, communication network, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion online, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise preventing You from successfully participating in a competition.
  12. A winner has rights under the Australian Consumer Law and other similar legislation which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by 3AW. These rights include a statutory guarantee that any services provided by 3AW will be rendered with due care and skill and that any goods will be of acceptable quality. These Conditions of Entry do not exclude, restrict or modify those statutory rights in any way. However, to the extent it is permitted by law to do so, 3AW makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, other than the Australian Consumer Law, regarding the quality and suitability of the Prize awarded under these conditions of entry and will not be responsible for breach of any such implied terms.
  13. All Prize values stated are the recommended retail value as provided by the Prize supplier, are in Australian dollars and are correct at the time of preparation of any competition-specific terms. 3AW takes no responsibility for variations in the Prize value.
  14. 3AW accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from winning of the Prizes.  Independent financial advice should be sought.