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Terms and Conditions

All data, reviews, articles or images displayed on this site are provided exclusively for entertainment purposes only.

Wizard of Odds accepts no responsibility for misunderstood or misprinted information.

Wizard of Odds displays content and promotions from third party sites that is subject to change without notice, and is not responsible for obsolete, inaccurate, or incorrect information. Users should confirm details with official sources.

Wizard of Odds accepts no liability for any damages or losses which are deemed or alleged to have arisen in connection with this site or its content including without limitation, interruptions or delays in transmission or operation, communication or line failure, loss or corruption of data, any person's misuse of the site or its content, or any errors or omissions in content.

By signing up to Wizard of Odds you agree that your information may be used to send information and updates to do with Wizard of Odds and any of its partners. This includes marketing and advertising related material.


Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988) is required to be provided by you to us (Wizard of Odds Pty Ltd) when registering to use this site. We will hold this Personal Information in the strictest of confidence in accordance with and subject to the Privacy Act and our Privacy Statement, which forms part of these Terms of Use.

Except as may be required by law, including any relevant privacy legislation, policy or industry code, we shall not disclose nor transfer any particulars of your Personal Information, or any other information that would identify you individually, to any other body or person without your prior consent.

You acknowledge that we may use your Personal Information to provide you with our services, to obtain a generic demographic profile of users of the Services from time to time and to send you offer updates, advertising and marketing information. You consent to your Personal Information being used by us, and disclosed to third parties (including our related companies, our commercial partners such as licensed gambling operators, and service providers such as technology support, stationary printing houses, mail houses, lawyers and accountants) as we think necessary for these purposes, and you agree that these third parties may also use your Personal Information for these purposes.