
In pursuit of the truth on police pursuits

The young cop, fresh out of the Police Academy, is filled with adrenaline and is chattering non-stop after his first pursuit ended in a fatal fiery crash in a Melbourne suburb. His more experienced partner, on the other hand, is despondent.

"Look at him," he says to another policeman who arrives at the scene. "He has no idea that the next few years have just turned to utter shit."

To chase or not to chase is a question with no satisfactory answer. Those spilt-second decisions made first by the offenders and secondly by the police can be life and death ones. They will be subject to reviews, questions and second guesses. Rightly, those involved will be asked: was there a better way?

The events of January 20 in Bourke Street, where a driver who had been followed by police for many hours allegedly drove up the mall, killing six people and injuring another 30, has left many wondering why.

Why didn't police intercept him earlier? Why didn't they ram him into submission? Why didn't they disable the car by shooting out the tyres when the accused, Dimitrious "Jimmy" Gargasoulas, was performing doughnuts at the Flinders Street Station? Why didn't they just shoot him before the carnage?

The last question is the easiest. Because if he died it would have been murder. Police are allowed to use fatal force only when they reasonably fear for their own lives or the lives of others. They can't kill people for breaking the law.


So why didn't they shoot out the tyres? Because if the driver had lost control and ploughed into people they would have been deemed responsible and if a bullet had ricocheted and a bystander was hit, the same people asking why didn't the police shoot first would quickly turn on the police for doing just that. 

Police lock down Bourke Street Mall last Friday.

Police lock down Bourke Street Mall on January 20. Photo: Eddie Jim

And why didn't they ram him? Because they may be prosecuted, just like a leading senior constable who was charged with reckless conduct endangering serious injury, dangerous driving and careless driving after colliding with a fleeing vehicle in 2012 (see video below). Thankfully he was later acquitted in the County Court.

Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp was given some heat when his memo on such matters was made public. "It's extremely difficult to shoot at a moving vehicle, to actually hit a moving vehicle," he wrote. "It's even more difficult to hit a tyre, thinking that if you deflate a tyre, the vehicle is going to stop. And we know that's not the case. The vehicle will not stop."

Bomb squad arrives at Bourke Street mall to investigate a suspicious package. 31st January 2017 Fairfax Media The Age news Picture by Joe Armao

Bomb squad arrives at Bourke Street mall to investigate a suspicious package. Picture: Joe Armao

Many years ago two country cops spotted a NSW escapee driving a stolen car down the Hume Highway. The policeman in the passenger side, who fancied himself a fair shot, thought he may have a ping at the tyres, despite the fact the road was rough and he would have to use his non-preferred hand.

As he lined up his shot he saw a little head emerge from the back seat. "It was a baby. He had picked up a mum and a child hitchhiking," he would later say. He put his gun away. It was a wise move as that policeman ended up a commissioner (he was also my father).

The crumpled car Leigh Henningham when he arrived at the scene in Bourke Street.

The crumpled car at the scene in Bourke Street after the carnage. Photo: Leigh Henningham

In another case, a South Melbourne policeman, holding his cigarette and the steering wheel in one hand and his pistol in the other, tried to take out the back window of a stolen Mini. While the window didn't smash they still got their man. Back at the station the crook complained of pain in his shoulder and when his shirt was removed the bullet was still in his back. (The bullet had passed through the rear window's rubber backing without shattering the glass).

He was told to stop whinging as the bullet was removed with a pair of tweezers and the fresh wound covered with a Band-Aid. The policeman who fired the shot may or may not have ended up as the head of a crime squad.

The Bourke st mall has been evacuated while the bomb squad inspect a suspicious package wedged into the gpo building found while workers were removing the tributes. Photo by Penny Stephens . The Age. 31st January 2017

The bomb squad inspect a suspicious package wedged found while workers were removing the tributes to the Bourke St mall victims. Photo: Penny Stephens

An Australian Institute of Criminology study of pursuit-related fatalities found that in the 12 year period from 2000 to 2011 there were 218 deaths Australia-wide – 110 drivers of the fleeing cars, 26 passengers in those vehicles and 82 innocent third parties. In Victoria over that period about one in 350 pursuits end with someone dead.

Of the drivers killed in Australia one in four were aged 15 to 19. In only six cases was the fleeing driver wanted for crimes of serious violence while 141 were chased over traffic matters or stolen car offences.

Last year WA Police Union President George Tilbury wanted police to be authorised to nudge fleeing cars using the controversial Precision Immobilisation Technique that causes the target vehicle to spin. (see videos below)

The method, pioneered in the US, involves a police car driving up behind the chase car and nudging its side until the fleeing driver loses control. Frankly it looks nuts and would be enough to make Evel Knievel reach for the car sick pills.  Little wonder as it is a technique perfected and then banned in speedway races.

In 2014 Victorian coroner John Olle said police shouldn't chase motorists who refuse to stop over traffic infringements, property offences or drink driving. His comments were made in relation to the death of Sarah Booth, 17, who in 2006 was the passenger in a car fleeing police that hit a tree.

Olle said police should only pursue vehicles when the driver is considered a risk to the public or suspected of a serious criminal offence.

And so in 2015 police announced a new safety first pursuit policy that would drastically drop the number of chases. In one way it worked with the number of police pursuits dropping from 1700 a year to around 60.

But the trouble was the crooks soon learned they would not be chased and so the number of drivers prepared to flee increased to a staggering 300 a month.

And as the crooks knew that as safety was the police priority the worse they drove the more likely they were to get away as police would halt the chase. Run a red light or drive on the wrong side of the road and police would be forced to stop.

Street police told of crooks doing burnouts at the front of police stations, flicking the bird at marked units and repeatedly trying to bait police into chases. And the number of times police cars were deliberately rammed jumped to more than 10 a month in 2016 or around one every three days.

Police on patrol increasingly felt like guard dogs on a short chain. They could bark but had lost their bite.

As a result in June last year police loosened the restrictions on the pursuit policy but decided to keep details secret because, according to Assistant Commissioner (road policing) Doug Fryer, "We are not going to further educate the criminal element out there."

Soon the number of pursuits climbed from around five a month to 60 but the crooks continued to run  for the most stupid reasons. Such as:

❑ A car speeds off and drives on the wrong side in Bell Street, Coburg over thefts from parking meters.

❑ A suspected stolen car goes through a red light, overtakes against double lines and goes through a stop sign at 120 km/h.

❑ A car fishtails with a flat tyre, continues at high speeds until it becomes stuck on train tracks.

❑ A stolen sedan travels on the wrong side of a main road with lights off at 5am.

❑ A wanted man sleeping in a stolen car is hemmed in by two police cars. He wakes before police can grab him and drives back and forth, ramming two police cars before he is sprayed with capsicum foam.

❑ A wanted man drives straight at police, who have to dive for cover. He crashes into a police car and then attempts to escape by crashing though a garden bed and a cyclone fence before he is "dynamically arrested" and taken to hospital with what is euphemistically described as "general soreness".

The reason for having a chase controller and not the individual police driver make key decisions is what UK authorities call the "red mist problem" when the police pursuer "see it as a personal challenge to catch the fleeing suspect and suffer from clouded judgment as a result."

US research claims 75 per cent of chases end in a capture, 40 per cent in an accident and 20 per cent in an injury.

In Australia most cases are between 8pm and 4am, police will be attracted by a traffic breach, the pursuit will last around five minutes, the distance will be five kilometres or less and the offender will be apprehended.

Every night there are drivers, most of them trained on video games, who see it as a challenge to outrace police. The answer will not come from faster police cars, road spikes or changes to police policy. The answer is with the courts.

The trouble is not in catching them, as they are usually identified sooner or later. The issue is what happens next. Every time one of these idiots plants his foot he is risking putting someone in a grave. And until our judiciary takes these matters seriously why should they?