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Browse Babysitter jobs

813 Babysitter jobs in Australia

A babysitter or shall we call them Mary Poppins! Their role is to care for a child or children of any age and keep them safe while attending to their requirements while they are in the hands of the babysitter. Babysitters are generally needed to look after the children while their parents are at work or home late, away on a trip or it may be date night or a very special occasion.

A big part of a babysitter's role is to provide activities and entertain the child. Some of these things could be taking them to the park to feed the ducks or play in the playground or do arts and crafts. The best babysitter does not just stand there and make the kids watch TV, they build relationships with the kids and be someone that the child can count on.

Responsibilities & Skills

A babysitter's role can vary depending on the child's age or the time of the day but the main responsibilities include changing nappies and preparing bottles to preparing and cooking food and taking them to their soccer game. Some jobs may require you to complete some house chores like doing the dishes and cleaning up after the children throughout the day. You may need to scrub the sofa to get out those stains from spilt milk. Babysitters are the perfect role model for the child and is there to make the parents life a little bit easier.

They are required to have a functional knowledge of first aid and CPR in case there is an emergency. A Babysitter are generally patient people with good interpersonal skills and have a great passion for kids and helping them learn.

Required Qualifications

  • Certification in childcare
  • Have experience dealing with children
  • Working with Children check

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