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Browse Librarian jobs

41 Librarian jobs in Australia

The job of a librarian is an important management job. The librarian is responsible for overseeing literary collections as well as other information, including digital information, sources. The librarian also has an important public service role; apart from assisting public library users, the librarian has a formal communication and liaison role in reaching out and establishing connections with education institutions, community organisations, NGOs, as well as publishing houses. The librarian is the head of the library team, including the library assistants and library technicians. Leading the team and having clear library protocols are thus important and development of these are the librarian's responsibility.

Today, technology and digital databases allow major developments in the library industry and the librarian should keep abreast of the latest technology assistance available for recording, managing, classifying and indexing library material digitally. Training staff on databases and indexing are central to the job as this ensures that the end-user can effectively and efficiently find and use the library material.

Responsibilities & Skills

A librarian's responsibilities include library and library collection management. The librarian is also centrally involved in acquiring new library material, and thus is responsible for keeping up to date with new literary releases as well as classic collections which may become available. The librarian will oversee database management and creation, although a digital and software specialist may be contracted for database creation and programming. The librarian oversees staff training and will arrange and manage staff training.
- Excellent management skills.
- Excellent literary knowledge.
- Excellent communication skills (the librarian is often the communication liaison of the library).

Required Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma of Library / Information Services
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Information Media
  • Graduate Certificate in Information Management

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