September Journal Writing Topics for the 1st Grade

Writing journals are an invaluable tool for keeping track of classroom writing assignments, generating creative ideas and improving students' handwriting through lots of practice. According to the Common Core State Standards initiative, first grade students should be writing opinion pieces, narratives, informative and explanatory texts with assistance from their teachers and peers. Most first graders are still learning to write independently and rely heavily on inventive spelling and illustrations to capture their thoughts on paper. Encourage students to enjoy journaling right from the start of the year with imaginative and engaging September topics.

All About Me

Young writers love writing about themselves. As school gets underway in September, one of the best writing journal topics is "All About Me." This topic allows the students to write about a subject on which they are experts and gives teachers valuable insight into how the students see themselves as they get to know the children. For a series of days, model how to write about a particular aspect of yourself and then encourage the students to write or draw an entry on the same theme. Areas of focus might be their favorite food, a family pet, a great vacation, what they would like to be when they grow up or which magical power they would like to have.

Two Truths and a Lie

First graders love to make up stories, but many of them still have difficulty distinguishing between make believe and reality. The writing activity "Two Truths and a Lie" harnesses their impulsive imaginations and puts them to good use. To play this game, students use their writing journals to write down two things about themselves that are true and one thing that is a complete lie. The teacher can also transcribe for them. Once all the students are finished, have them take turns reading their entries out loud to the class. Each student should call on three peers to guess which of their three sentences was a lie.

Weather Watcher

In many parts of the U.S, September is a time when we can see the seasons beginning to transition from summer to autumn. If weather conditions permit, take your students outside once a week, preferably on the same day, to observe a tree or other small patch of nature. In their writing journals, students can record observations about the weather and the changes they see taking place with words or with pictures. This assignment also naturally leads to a lesson on using their senses since they will be writing about what they see, feel, smell and hear outside.

Constitution Day

In 2004, September 17th became Constitution Day. Constitution Day is a federal holiday and federal law mandates that all schools receiving federal funding teach about the U.S Constitution on this day. After an age appropriate discussion of the freedoms and responsibilities enshrined in this historical document, teachers and students can brainstorm and journal about an amendment they would like to see added to the constitution. Ask the students to contribute their suggestions to a class list and have everyone vote on which idea they think is the best.

Seed Ideas

Apples are an image commonly associated with elementary school, and a September apple theme provides teachers with a variety of writing journal topics. One way to start filling up a 1st grader's writing journal is to have her close her eyes and take a small handful of apple seeds-- real ones or ones made from paper or clay-- out of a small bowl. For each seed she has taken, that student must write an interesting fact or draw an interesting picture about herself in her writing journal. When they are done, students can share these seed ideas in small groups or with the class.

About the Author

A lifetime resident of New York, Christi O'Donnell has been writing about education since 2003. O'Donnell is a dual-certified educator with experience writing curriculum and teaching grades preK through 12. She holds a Bachelors Degree from Sarah Lawrence College and a Masters Degree in education from Mercy College.

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