Why Schools Are Implementing Yoga Into the PE Classroom

When you think of your elementary school physical education classes, you probably remember classic activities like dodge ball, obstacle courses and flag football. However, schools are now embracing a very old tradition that is very new in the classroom -- yoga. When this ancient practice is adapted for kids, it offers benefits that more typical physical education activities do not.

Strength and Flexibility

Yoga practice includes a variety of postures, called asanas, that require strength, balance and flexibility to perfect. They all have names that kids can easily remember, like Downward-Facing Dog and Warrior pose. People usually think that kids are naturally flexible, but this is not the case for every child, and kids, just like adults, must practice to increase or maintain their flexibility. Stretching exercises improve balance, coordination, motor skills and posture. And because kids hold yoga postures for a few seconds or longer, the poses strengthen their muscles and increase their stamina.


Amy Haysman, coordinator of the YogaKids program, says that yoga naturally increases children's ability to concentrate. A study published in "School Psychology Review" found that yoga helped kids with attention problems stay "on task" and focused on learning. This benefit may be the result of yoga's meditative aspect, which requires quieting the mind and focusing within the self. Yoga Ed, a program designed specifically for in-school use, calls meditation "time-in," to make the idea comfortable for kids and their parents.


According to yoga advocates, the physical and mental benefits of yoga also translate into better grades. "Most neuroscientists agree that movement and cognition are powerfully connected," says educator Eric Jensen, in his book, "Teaching with the Brain in Mind." Exercise promotes learning, and the complex nature of yoga poses may challenge the brain even more. The improvements in kids' concentration that come with regular yoga practice allow more effective learning in the classroom.

Stress Relief

Yoga is well-known for its relaxing attributes. Stretching muscles helps to reduce tension, and many yoga exercises are designed to quiet and calm the mind. According to the "Harvard University Mental Health Letter," yoga "appears to modulate stress response systems" by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. The American Psychological Association reports that kids are a lot more stressed than parents realize, so yoga may be just what the psychologist ordered -- a set of skills to help them relax when life gets tough.

About the Author

Based in Sedona, AZ, Nicole E. Dean has two decades of intensive experience as a writer, editor, educator and book coach. She is a regular contributor to "BrainWorld" magazine and created the blog Mystic@theMovies. She also taught college writing for 11 years and holds a master's degree in English literature.

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