Ocean Dead Zones and the Effects of Marine Pollution

by Demand Media
by Flora Richards-Gustafson Google

When oxygen levels in areas of the ocean fall too low to support aquatic life, the resulting hypoxia can cause marine animals to die or lose their habitats, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Scientists call these areas “dead zones.” Hypoxia can occur naturally, but marine pollution from humans causes an imbalance in coastal ecosystems. According to National Geographic, there are about 400 dead zones around the world.

Causes of Ocean Dead Zones

Dead zones are the result of pollution that exposes ocean plankton to an excess of chemical nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. An algal bloom forms when the algae population quickly increases in density. As the exploding population of algae dies, a large amount of dead organic matter is created, which becomes food for bacteria. The bacteria multiply rapidly and quickly use up available dissolved oxygen in the water. Scientific American reports that some large dead zones in the U.S. are located in the Gulf of Mexico, Chesapeake Bay and Oregon coast. Around the world, there are ocean dead zones in places like the North Sea, Tokyo Bay, Hong Kong’s Tolo Harbor and Port Hacking in Australia.

Where Dead Zones Originate

It is common for marine pollution to originate in an area that’s upstream from an ocean, like streams and rivers. According to a May 2011 article on the Popular Science website, the worst pollution comes from human and animal waste, and sewage and fertilizer runoff. In the U.S., researchers at Stanford University linked ocean dead zones to large-scale coastal farming after looking at five years of satellite data of Mexico’s Gulf of California. The blooms that appeared within a week of an agricultural “irrigation event” in the area ranged between 19 to 223 square miles.

Red and Brown Tides

Among the most harmful dead zones are those caused by organisms like dinoflagellate or pelagophyte, which, respectively, produce toxic algal blooms known as red or brown tides. As the organisms bloom, they release toxins that can poison fish, mollusks and marine mammals like dolphins. Stanford University researchers found that marine life affected by the toxic blooms not only depleted food sources for other ocean animals, it impacted industries that harvested the fish and shellfish for human consumption.

Reproductive Problems

In addition to killing marine life in affected areas, dead zones can cause reproductive problems in the organisms that survive. The pollution and hypoxia can lead to lower egg counts and less spawning, according to Scientific American. Reduced oxygen levels and toxins can lower sex hormone concentrations, decrease the size of reproductive organs and cause birth defects and genetic abnormalities, according to a May 2011 article on the Futurity website.

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