Medical Problems That Could Be Helped With Stem Cells

Discussion and hype surrounding the use of stem cells for medical procedures have centered on issues from ethics to technical realities. Bone marrow, which contains stem cells, has been used for years in transplant operations to effectively treat leukemia, bone marrow cancer and other related conditions. Other forms of stem cell therapy have yet to be proved as effective.

Cancer Help

Stem cell transplants, particularly in the case of bone marrow, have been shown to be an effective treatment for various types of cancer. A stem cell transplant or a bone marrow transplant reloads the body with healthy, noncancerous cells and is typically done after a chemotherapy or radiation regimen. After a transplant, bone marrow, which contains stem cells, will start to produce new blood cells. In some cases, new white blood cells will attack and destroy any cancer cells that survived the chemotherapy or radiation dose.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological condition marked by an immune system attack on myelin, a protein that insulates nerve cells. While stem cell therapies for MS are only considered prospective therapies, frequently sold stem cell treatments for MS at certain clinics involve the injection of stem cells into the bloodstream. The problem with this therapy is that the blood-brain barrier, which prevents blood toxins from entering the central nervous system, makes it extremely challenging to treat neurological disorders via intravenous injection. Stem cells are particularly large compared to the toxic molecules that the BBB keeps out. Therefore, some proposed stem cell treatments for MS and other neurological disorders call for the direct injection of the cells into the brain. The effectiveness of these treatments has yet to be widely accepted by the many scientists.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive disease that makes breathing difficult. COPD is marked by large amounts of mucus on the respiratory system, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Some experts believe stem cells may reduce inflammation of the airways, preventing further damage and fostering a recovery. Others posit that stem cells could rehabilitate respiratory tissue that is diseased or has been destroyed in COPD patients. Other theories suggest stem cells may cause the formation of new capillaries in the lungs. The latest trials have been focused on determining if stem cell therapies are even safe to perform in patients with COPD. (see reference 4)

Autism Research

Stem cell therapy has been considered a promising treatment for autism, and in October 2012, the Food and Drug Administration gave scientists at the Sutter Neuroscience Institute, in Sacramento, California, permission to launch a small study involving the use of stem cells from an autistic child's own umbilical cord blood. Thirty children with autism, between the ages of 2 and 7, were slated to receive stem cell injections from blood banked after their births. The researchers told HealthDay that they hope to see if the stem cell therapy helps boost the children’s language and behavior capabilities.

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