Helping High School Graduates Prepare for the Real World Without College

If you are about to graduate from high school and go directly into the work world, start preparing now. As a high school student, chances are all your needs have been taken care of by your family. As an adult, you will be thrust into a daily life filled with responsibility and reality. Use your time in high school to chart a career path, gain experience and learn everyday skills necessary to be happy and successful.

Career Awareness

Selecting a career path is critical. Since you aren’t planning on attending college, the career exploration process needs to take place during high school. Visit your school counselor and ask about taking a career inventory such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Use this information and other resources at the library to match your interests with potential job options. You might also look into the armed forces or volunteer options such as AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps. Reflect upon your interests and needs and select a career path early on so that you are ready to hit the ground running after graduation.

Job Search Preparation

Developing strong communication skills are a necessity in the real world. Work hard in your English classes and take a speech class if it is available. You should also be involved in high school activities to show that you can balance multiple responsibilities and have leadership potential. Begin writing a resume that includes your accomplishments and skills. Show it to a teacher, counselor or current employer to seek their advice and suggestions. Hone your interview skills by asking an adult to mock interview you. Preparing to apply and interview for positions during high school will make you more likely to secure a job when you graduate from high school.

High School Work Options

Consider working a job during high school that serves as a potential career path after graduation. Some high schools have credit bearing programs that allow juniors or seniors to work during part of the day at an approved job site. You might also be able to do an internship or job shadow to gain more insight about careers that interest you. Gaining practical experience will help you as you enter the work world and provide valuable connections with future employers. Discuss these options as soon as possible with your high school guidance counselor.

Life Skills

Learning how to manage money and the unexpected problems that sometimes arise is critical. Use the math skills you learned in high school to apply to real world problems. For example, create a monthly budget for yourself. Estimate what you spend each month on the basics such as food, personal care items, cellphone and entertainment. Don’t forget transportation costs. Consider where you are going to live and what it will cost. Use these figures so that you know what you will need to earn when you are out on your own. Look for a part-time job and open a checking account. Practicing these life skills before you have to be independent gives you a distinct advantage.

About the Author

Dr. Kelly S. Meier is a professor and college administrator for a large public institution in Minnesota. She received her undergraduate degree from Western Illinois University and her master's degree and doctorate from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She has published more than 15 books on education, group development and diversity.

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