GED Math Instructions

The GED math exam has two 45-minute sections. While 80 percent of the questions on the two tests are multiple choice, the remaining 20 percent require you to provide constructed answers. This means that you’ll have to write answers in a blank space or label points on an alternate-format grid. Always read the instructions in your GED testing booklet to help increase your chances of earning a passing score.

Step 1

Use only an approved calculator in the first section of the GED math test. As of March 2013, if you’re taking the GED test on paper, the proctor will provide you and the other test-takers with a Casio FX260 handheld calculator. When you take the GED test on a computer, you’ll have access to an on-screen calculator. However, if you choose to bring your own calculator for a GED test on the computer, it must be the Casio FX260. For the second part of the GED math test, you can use only the provided scratch paper to solve the problems in the test booklet.

Step 2

Choose from one of the five possible answers for each multiple-choice question. If you’re taking the GED on paper, use a number-two pencil to fill in the circle that corresponds to the answer you chose. If you're taking the test on a computer, click on the circle that’s next to the answer you chose before moving on to the next screen.

Step 3

Provide only positive numbers for your constructed answers on standard grids. When you need to provide a constructed answer on a paper GED test, the standard grid will have five blank spaces above columns that contain symbols or numerals within circles. The answers that you provide within a standard grid can be in the form of a whole number, decimal or fraction. If you have an answer that’s a mixed number, you must convert it into a fraction or decimal. To answer the question using a standard grid, write your answer in the blank boxes at the top, using one character or symbol per box. After you write your answer in the blank boxes, fill in the circles beneath that have the matching numerals or symbols. Although you hand-write your answer in the blank boxes, you’re graded only on the circles that you fill in with pencil. If you’re taking the math test on a computer, simply type your answer into the provided space.

Step 4

Fill in the appropriate circle to indicate the position of a point on a coordinate grid. The coordinate grid for a constructed answer on the GED test looks like a coordinate plane, but you fill in a circle instead of drawing a dot. Each circle on the grid has a positive or negative X or Y value. On the paper test, fill in the circle with a pencil to mark a point’s position on the grid. If the test is on the computer, click on the appropriate circle to show the position of a point. Don’t mark more than one point on a grid.


  • If you have time, double-check your answers.

About the Author

Flora Richards-Gustafson has been writing professionally since 2003. She creates copy for websites, marketing materials and printed publications. Richards-Gustafson specializes in SEO and writing about small-business strategies, health and beauty, interior design, emergency preparedness and education. Richards-Gustafson received a Bachelor of Arts from George Fox University in 2003 and was recognized by Cambridge's "Who's Who" in 2009 as a leading woman entrepreneur.

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