Diploma Courses in Mass Communications

by Demand Media
by Dr. Aleathea Wiggins

    Mass communications is a rapidly expanding field of study because the spread of information is essential to business, government and modern life. Because the field is so broad, people interested in working in mass communications have a wide range of career options. Whether you wish to become a news writer or media relations specialist, you'll need specific education and training in fields like advertising, journalism, broadcasting and public relations.

    Foundations in Advertising

    Mass communications diplomas require students to study advertising theory and advertising copywriting. Students learn how to create messages that motivate viewers to purchase various products and services. Students will also come to understand why advertising is the primary funding model of all mass communications. Students following an advertising track are also encouraged to take a portfolio-building class, which will help them to demonstrate their professional value after graduation.

    Journalism and Newswriting

    Students majoring in mass communications look at the changing ways in which news is produced, as well as the ways in which it reaches the public, including television, radio, print, social media, Internet and mobile. Mass communications students focus in particular on the ways that new forms of media are changing the landscape of the journalism field. Students following the journalism track will take courses oriented towards the production of news. They will learn aspects of reporting, news writing and interviewing, such as finding credible news sources.

    Broadcasting and New Media

    Mass communications students are usually required to learn about the history of broadcasting and its social impact. They also learn what it entails to be in front of the camera as news reporters or television anchors. Many schools require students to take courses in the more technical aspects of broadcasting, which requires them to learn to operate television cameras, teleprompters and other related equipment. Recently, schools have been focusing on the use of new forms of media in mass communications, with an emphasis on the effects of social media. As these new forms of media establish themselves, the field of mass communication will change to reflect the ways in which we interact on a massive scale.

    Public Relations

    Many universities also offer their mass communications majors a public relations track. Commonly, this track overlaps with the advertising track, because many of the necessary skills are the same, though public relations has a different goal. While advertising motivates its viewers to act, public relations creates or changes an opinion that the viewers hold. Students following the public relations track should take courses in both advertising copywriting and public relations writing in order to appreciate the differences between the two. Public relations track students often have to take courses in public speaking and press relations.

    About the Author

    Dr. Aleathea Wiggins is a writer specializing in health, parenting and family issues. She is a former university professor, curriculum facilitator, and teacher. Dr. Wiggins holds advanced degrees and credentials in journalism, education, health and childcare administration. She has worked as a professional writer since 2009.

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