Difference Between Astronomy & Astrophysics

Astrophysics is often thought of as a subspecialty of astronomy, and the difference is subtle. Astronomy, one of the oldest sciences, consists of observing and cataloging the positions and motions of the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies. Generally speaking, practicing astrophysics implies applying chemistry and physics to better understand astronomical observations, including the origin, nature and eventual fate of the heavenly bodies.


An astronomer’s primary tool is the telescope, which receives electromagnetic radiation such as light or radio waves and uses these signals to form an image. Telescopes allow astronomers to record the spectrum of light that space objects emit and to catalog the types and positions of objects, estimate distances between them and calculate their motions. This creates the basic store of data for further analysis. Starting with Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity, it became clear that physics would become inextricably linked to astronomy as a way to explain observations. Prior to Newton, astronomers calculated the positions of planets with ad-hoc mathematical methods, but Newton showed that the physics of projectiles on Earth also explains the observed orbits of planets and allows for great precision in calculations.


An early link between physics and astronomy came when scientists discovered helium gas in the sun before proving it exists on Earth. With the development of nuclear physics, relativity theory and quantum mechanics, it became possible to propose detailed theories about how heavenly bodies are birthed, live and die. Astronomers and physicists discovered that stars are powered by nuclear fusion, and with nuclear physics, they provided theories for supernovas and pulsars, which led to the prediction and subsequent discovery of neutron stars. Based on the general theory of relativity, they predict, discover and explain black holes. Astronomers and astrophysicists use spectral data and special relativity to measure the velocity of stars and other bodies. As astronomers observe new objects, signals and spectra, this new information tests old astrophysical theories and fuels the development of new ones.

Particle Physics and the Universe

Cosmology, a field closely related to astronomy and astrophysics, studies the origin and structure of the universe as a whole. It is linked to particle physics, the study of matter, at the most fundamental level. While nuclear physics can be used to understand the life cycle of stars, cosmologists use particle physics, coupled with general relativity, to explain the life cycle of the universe. One constraint on particle physics models is the ability to predict dark matter, which is believed to be part of what holds the universe together. Scientists are trying to simultaneously understand the very smallest and very biggest with the same theories.

University Departments

Students interested in degrees in astronomy and astrophysics have many options. Astronomy, astrophysics and physics may be in the same or different departments. For example, Harvard University has a separate department of astronomy, while the University of Chicago has a Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Rutgers University has a single department of astronomy and physics that encompasses astrophysics. Researchers in these departments regularly work together.


About the Author

Ariel Balter started out writing, editing and typesetting, changed gears for a stint in the building trades, then returned to school and earned a PhD in physics. Since that time, Balter has been a professional scientist and teacher. He has a vast area of expertise including cooking, organic gardening, green living, green building trades and many areas of science and technology.

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