On Thursday, President Donald Trump held a press conference to announce his second pick for Secretary of Labor. Alexander Acosta, the dean of the Florida International University College of Law, is now poised to replace Trump's former pick, Andrew Puzder. Puzder withdrew himself from consideration for the position on Wednesday.

That news was expected. What came after, however, shocked many reporters present, as well as those who watched the remainder of the press conference and the extensive question and answer period that followed on television or online.

President Donald Trump mounted a vigorous defense of his presidency at a White House News Conference Thursday. He says his administration is "running like a fine tune machine," despite media reports of "chaos." (Feb. 16)

Media: MediaOS Video

During his scheduled statement, Trump used his time to again boast about the margin of his victory in the electoral college, to rail against the media's reporting of him, and to repeatedly state that he "inherited a mess" from the Obama Administration.

After opening up the floor to questions from the media, Trump spoke at length on an array of topics, including his classifying of news organizations as "fake news" and "very fake news," his relationship with Vladimir Putin and Russian government officials, and the information leaks coming from the White House.

See the above gallery for some of Trump's wildest key quotes.