Operations, Inc.

This company is currently a participant in TRUSTe's privacy certification program.
TRUSTe has verified this company's privacy practices against TRUSTe Privacy Standards using a combination of technical and manual methodologies and company self-attestations.

This certification applies to:

  • This certification applies to the privacy practices governed by the privacy statement accessible from this digital property. The company is responsible for the internal controls and effectiveness of its privacy policies, notices, processes, and procedures. TRUSTe has relied on the accuracy of the information provided by the company along with other evidence in making the determination that the company meets TRUSTe's Certification Standards.
  • Certification evaluation of the company's online data management policies, notices, processes, and practices, based on a sample of the company's digital properties which may include websites, mobile apps, and service platforms as described in the TRUSTe certification scope made available in the certified privacy statement.

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Privacy practices & standards:

  • By displaying the TRUSTe Certified Privacy seal, this company demonstrates the following:
  • Notice outlines the company's privacy policies, including the types of information it collects about or from you, how that information is used, what types of third parties may collect information from you or who your information is shared with, how to exercise preferences on how your information is used and shared, and how you can request access or deletion of your information.

  • Limits the information collected and limits use to what is specified in the privacy notice.

  • Provides you with a process to withdraw that consent. Your consent is obtained prior to using information it collects in a manner not specified in its privacy notice, and prior to sharing with third parties who are not working on the company's behalf.

  • Provides a way to request access to your information for the purpose of reviewing, correcting inaccuracies, or updating it. You may also request your information be deleted or no longer used.

  • Processes in place to comply with the privacy policies, notice and TRUSTe's Certification Standards, including taking reasonable measures to protect the information it collects, ensure the information is timely, relevant, and accurate, and retain it as necessary to provide services or meet legal requirements.

  • Processes in place to address your concerns and questions about the company's privacy practices, including the use of TRUSTe as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. Companies have an ongoing commitment to comply with these Certification Standards.

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