Get a grip on your finances

Tracking your finances removes the "fear factor" in planning for the future.
Tracking your finances removes the "fear factor" in planning for the future.

Business consultant Charlotte Rimmer likens mastering the household budget to managing a company. She should know — she's been advising owners of small businesses for almost 10 years. What did she and her husband Dave gain from being put through the cash flow wringer by financial planner Ben Smythe three years ago? "Achievable goals, control and clarity around costs — the same philosophy as running a business," she says.

Like all Smythe's new clients (and those of many financial planners), the Rimmers were asked to fill in a spreadsheet detailing their assets, liabilities, income and expenses. "We wanted to ascertain goals and some forecasting but to get to that, we needed clarity around current costs. We were already across most of this but not to the extent that Ben made us deep dive," says Rimmer, CEO of consultant Aide de MD.

Was the process tortuous? "No, because we had Xero [Smythe uses cloud accounting system Xero Cashbook to build client budgets]. For us it's become about having the right tools. Although we approach our finances in the same way, it's easier now. Previously if we wanted to talk about revenue, we'd have to do a lot more prep before the conversation. Now the information is already there."

One of the biggest benefits, says Rimmer, is that it's removed the "fear factor" in planning for the future.

It's also left the family feeling they have more choices. "Much like a business deciding whether to hire new staff or buy the building it's working from, we've got more clarity around whether entertainment is a priority for us as a family or whether it's lower on the list because we're planning a holiday in three months. It allows better choice about where to spend the money that you have in your budget."

It doesn't matter what budgeting tool you use – from Xero to apps like You Need A Budget and Pocketbook. The key is that you get a grip on how much you're spending – not just for retirement but better financial outcomes through every stage of your life.

But the anecdotes are scary. Asked how many new clients understand their spend, financial strategist Justin Hooper says: "Less than 5 per cent." The MD of Sentinel Wealth adds: "The only clients who understand how much they spend are those with some kind of tracking system. It's not possible to know unless there is a surplus or it is tracked."

Financial planner Suzanne Haddan, MD of BFG Financial Services, refers clients to the MoneySmart budget planner (under the auspices of the Australian Securities & Investments Commission).

"Most find it a fairly involved process they would rather avoid," she says. "I encourage them to undertake the task with a glass of wine in hand (only one, mind you)."

What about the outcome? "Many are shocked by how much they are spending in certain areas. There can also be a certain amount of finger pointing between partners about who spends what," says Haddan. "But the big plus for persisting is that once you know where your money is going, you can then confidently decide which — if any — areas you wish to spend less on to achieve your goals and provide you with financial peace of mind."

Households should be across their budget at all stages of their lives, she adds, but she often meets resistance.

"I see the 'my gosh this is boring' look in many client's eyes, regardless of age, when I mention the necessity of preparing a budget," says Haddan.

Are wealthier clients worse at budgeting? Yes, says Smythe, MD of Smythe Financial Management. "Those who feel 'comfortable" will drift unless you question the status quo. The more they earn, the more they spend."

He cites as an example a couple in their 40s with combined annual income of $400,000 with two kids at private schools, a $1 million mortgage (with interest-only payments being made) and credit debt of $20,000 (with only the minimum repayment being made each month).

"They had no savings and no idea of where they were spending their money. We see these situations all the time – living for today with no visibility around cash flow and also no plan for a 'rainy day' or how they will build wealth in addition to their home."

Smythe says the problem for this couple – and others in the same age bracket – is peak earning capacity is typically between 40-50 so it's vital to take advantage as there may not be the same opportunities in their fifties.

Planners like Hooper say failure to track your finances is akin to taking off without a flight plan. If you haven't got enough fuel, you'll crash (or run out of money).

If so many of us aren't tracking our finances, it should be no surprise that according to recent Commbank/Rice Warner analysis, only 53 per cent of Australian households are "retirement ready" – ie, on track for a comfortable retirement.

The CommBank Retire Ready Index sets out the percentage of the population aged 25–64 who are projected to have enough assets (including superannuation, personal wealth and age pension entitlements) to meet a comfortable level of retirement. The latter is based on the comfortable retirement standard developed by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) — $43,372 and $59,619 per annum for singles and couples respectively

But the index also showed that when the age pension is removed, the number of households that can afford a comfortable retirement drops to 17 per cent.

Another problem for high earners is that annual income of $43,372 (if you're single) and $59,619 (if you're part of a couple) probably won't cut it.

The accompanying table outlines the weekly expenditure for both a "comfortable" and "modest" lifestyle (for couples and singles).

While they're a useful benchmark, if you're accustomed to plenty of travel a weekly overseas travel spend of $54.85 ($2852.20 a year) is going to clip your wings considerably.

Mention savings shortfall to most financial planners and they will bring it back to budgeting.

Linda Elkins, general manager advice at Commonwealth Bank, says: "It's vital people do this while they are still accumulating so they better understand how much they can save and, as they near retirement, what their income needs will actually be."

Financial planner Anne Graham, MD of Sigma Wealth Management, agrees: "If we don't know how much we spend and where it goes, it's impossible to make any meaningful plans for the future.

"When work stops, so does your salary. You need to replace your salary with income from other sources such as age pension, investments and/or super. If you don't know how much you are spending, then it's difficult to know how much to save. If you think you only spend $50,000 a year and plan your retirement around that target, you might find yourself very stretched if your actual expenses are $60,000."

The good news is that whether you use a budgeting app or consult a financial planner, there are usually big improvements.

Bosco Tan, co-founder of budgeting app Pocketbook (bought by ASX-listed Zipmoney in 2016), notes that users of the app (mostly in the 25-35 age group) become much more aware of their savings capacity. "The data shows that people, especially higher income earners, often have more scope to save than they think. A tool like Pocketbook brings into focus their spending in a meaningful way. Through our smart algorithms, they can then more easily identify how much room they have to save."

The accompanying bar chart compares the top three spending categories (housing, groceries, kids) across different income groups from Pocketbook's database. "The indication is that housing is generally fairly inelastic, and varies the most as a percentage of income as you go from lower to higher salary levels," says Tan.

Users of the app (like many others) link their bank accounts to enable real-time information about their finances. "Security is a critical part of our service and is part of the DNA of our company," says Tan. "We are part of an ASX-listed finance company so there is significant investment in our security framework — including yearly independent third-party security audits. We also do work with the Australian government on preventing cybercrime and fraud in the StaySmartOnline and ASIC ScamWatch programs.

Showing that it's possible for big spenders to pull in the reins, Smythe cites improvements for a couple in their early 40s with two kids. While their combined income was $150,000 a year, they were actually spending $226,000 a year – with the gap funded by a $1 million inheritance.

"We showed them that if they purchased the house they wanted to buy, funded their children's education and kept spending the same way, they would run down the inheritance with very little to show for it in terms of wealth accumulation and generating passive income," says Smythe.

Instead the couple reduced their expenses to $96,000 a year – giving them more choice around future work and building wealth.

As for the Rimmers, they're more confident of their end game. As Dave says: "The biggest gain was the long term benefit of getting more super rather than our short term focus of 'what's for dinner'."