Don't bank on market optimism continuing

The growing acceptance that quantitative easing has reached its limits has not coincided with a collapse in the prices ...
The growing acceptance that quantitative easing has reached its limits has not coincided with a collapse in the prices of equities. Michael Nagle
by Philip Saunders

If markets were efficient how could so many get it so wrong?

Since the summer of 2016, and especially since the election of Donald Trump as US President, we have witnessed some dramatic moves in the market. Global bond yields have risen sharply, as has the US dollar. Equity markets have rallied strongly, and defensive stocks that had unusually led the bull market to-date, have performed poorly as cyclical sectors, such as financials, have soared.

This has been reflected in the recovery of "value", or stocks perceived to be out of favour, versus "growth", or stocks that show signs of above-average growth.

The growing acceptance that quantitative easing has reached its limits has not coincided with a collapse in the prices of equities, or other growth assets, as many had feared. This, coupled with evidence that the outlook globally is improving, has clearly had a positive impact on hitherto brittle investor sentiment.

So what explains to the magnitude of these relative and absolute moves, what might they signify and what were the signs for us to see?

The dramatic moves such as those we saw in 2016 typically occur when "consensus investor positioning" – the view of the herd – is deep-rooted, and then new information comes to light that undermines that view.

In July, the consensus view was that global growth would be negligible or flat. This was reflected in government bond pricing in the seven major economies, alongside aggressive quantitative easing and loose monetary policies.

The dominant narrative centred on the likely permanence of slow growth and low productivity, coupled with low interest rates as far as the eye could see and unsustainably high valuations across asset classes.

Helicopter money

The debate among economic commentators was how deep into negative territory central banks could drive interest rates and the timing of the arrival of helicopter money – the process of printing large sums of money and distributing it directly to the public.

The power of this dominant narrative, coupled with a narrow focus on political risks, caused investors collectively, and fatally, to ignore the growing evidence of an improving economic environment, led by the US and China.

Among policymakers, there was a realisation that an excessive reliance on aggressive monetary policy was causing more problems than it was solving. Global bond yields started to drift up in the third quarter of 2016. Equity markets proved to be "surprisingly resilient", despite US political uncertainties. The election of Donald Trump with his pro-growth (via fiscal expansion) agenda raised expectations that economic conditions would improve.

Markets have subsequently moved dramatically to reject the minimal growth thesis and consider that inflation might emerge after all. It was a trend that investors were poorly positioned for – hence the extremity of the repricing moves.

What might such a stark shift signify?

The current reflationary regime may not last in the face of high debt levels, deteriorating demographics and sluggish productivity – the secular stagnation arguments with which we are all too familiar.

On the other hand, perhaps we will escape these forces and enter a more "normal" environment – at least for a period.

How do we guard against being wrongly positioned?

Focusing on valuations, fundamentals and market price behaviour is vital. It is essentially about ensuring objectivity in the face of pressures that lead to deep-seated behavioural biases.

Mis-priced bonds

Bonds and bond-related investments, in our view, were mis-priced. The fundamental evidence was increasingly pointing to improving growth and receding recession risks, underpinned by the stabilisation and subsequent recovery of key commodity prices. Furthermore, investor exposure to interest rate-sensitive assets was extreme.

Receding concerns about a recession, steady growth, lax monetary policy and generally robust company balance sheets should lead to corporate earnings growth and lend support to equity prices.

However, the experience of the past few years has been that this early optimism has soon faded. With valuations for equities at demanding levels, we need to see earnings growth in order for them to provide good returns this year. The recent pick-up in the ratio of earnings upgrades to downgrades by brokers supports our view that market expectations for growth are improving, even if this is temporary, and that this is a good indicator for better earnings growth.

We anticipate strong returns from currency hedged Japanese equities in particular, driven by the macro environment and by bottom-up company activity. US equities continue to offer high quality, but valuations are expensive. Our preferences across other markets are for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America over Asia.

Government bond yields have risen to the point where they are relatively attractive once again, given our view that their defensive properties will be maintained and assuming inflation expectations do not run away from current levels.

The nearer-term fundamental outlook for investment grade bonds appears positive, with central bank support still helping to underpin the market. Valuations still appear reasonable, but they are starting to look increasingly expensive. High yield bond spreads have continued to narrow and valuations are starting to look rich on an absolute basis, but the underlying fundamentals remain robust, with low expected default rates.

As such we expect the income to be the primary driver behind returns for high yield bonds over capital appreciation. Local currency emerging market bond markets face some headwinds, although select opportunities exist where the risk-reward profile is favourable.

Philip Saunders is co-head of multi asset growth at Investec Asset Management

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