Why expediency is the cool new black in Canberra

There is a race on as to who gets the chance to belt the banks hardest in the bush.
There is a race on as to who gets the chance to belt the banks hardest in the bush. supplied

When former trade minister Andrew Robb proposed the government call a royal commission on the banks, it was not because he subscribed to the populist view that our financial institutions were festooned with crooks.

Robb was arguing quite the opposite.

During a question and answer session following a speech by Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer to an international investment summit, Robb argued that Labor, the Greens, One Nation and others would not give up their pursuit of the banks.

As the government continued to resist, it would bear the political heat. To deflect this, it would continually need to respond and that meant imposing more regulation and parliamentary inquiries on the sector.

Robb argued that, eventually, there will be a change of government and a royal commission, by which time the banks would be strangled with regulation.

Better the government move now, call a commission when it can control the cost, the timing, the terms of reference and who will be commissioner.

Moreover, it would act as an opportunity for the banks to show they were not as bad as they perhaps once were.

Robb was arguing on the grounds of expediency, political and otherwise. O'Dwyer disagreed, saying "we must govern in the national interests, not just the political interest".

Yet, Robb's views are not isolated. One very senior industry figure, who wished to remain anonymous, agreed, arguing the political interest may match the national interest.

Get it over and done with rather than suffer death by a thousand cuts.

In the past year alone, the government has imposed numerous new conditions on banks, boosted the power and resources of the regulators and had small business ombudsman Kate Carnell inquire into their lending practices to small business and issue further recommendations.

This week, the Senate established a select committee to be chaired by One Nation, to look at the lending practices of banks to farmers. Giving One Nation the chair of the committee has outraged the Nationals, who have done all the legwork on hounding banks over rural lending practices, only to have the control of the inquiry handed to their rival who has jumped aboard the bank bandwagon.

There is a race on as to who gets the chance to belt the banks hardest in the bush.

In three weeks from now, the bank CEOs will be back in Canberra for the second time in six months to be pulled apart by the Parliament's House Economics Committee, another process established by Malcolm Turnbull to ward of Royal Commission calls.

One industry source said these hearings consumed enormous time and resources in terms both preparation and afterwards, to chase up the request for further information.

At the same time, a push by the Greens to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry – for only the second time in the nation's history – is gathering a head of steam.

It requires legislation to pass both houses of Parliament and, while the Senate is a given, the Greens believe they are very close to securing the numbers in the House of Representatives.

In reality, the Greens anticipate that should the passage of the legislation become a reality, Turnbull may have to flinch and call a commission himself.

Because losing a bill on the floor of the House of Representatives is a serious matter – it amounts to a vote of no confidence in the government.

The last time it happened was almost 90 years ago.

In 1929, Stanley Bruce was prime minister and, in the wake of widespread industrial unrest, had introduced a Maritime Industries Bill to do away with the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration and return arbitration powers to the states.

During the third reading stage, Billy Hughes, five fellow Nationalists and Labor moved an amendment requiring the changes to first be approved at a referendum or general election. The amendment passed by 35 votes to 34.

Defeated, Bruce had little choice but to call an election the next day. His government fell and he lost his seat,

With regard to the banks, even the ever-disgruntled George Christensen, who is prepared to vote for the inquiry would surely think twice before crashing the government just so he can save his own seat. Then again, he and any colleague who wants to cross the floor, may use it as leverage to force Turnbull's hand.

Should the government relent on the royal commission, it would fit seamlessly with a new push towards expediency, and denude Labor of some of its strongest lines. This week it was confirmed that when the Senate rises at the end of March for a five-week break before the budget, any unpassed budget cuts will be junked.

Currently, there are cuts to welfare and higher education worth $13.2 billion, many of which stem from Tony Abbott's notorious 2014 budget.

They have created untold political headaches for the Coalition over the years and few have any hope of passage. It is likely the government will squeak a few welfare cuts through by the end of March to fund its childcare package and then junk the rest.

This strategy allows for a complete policy reset and a clean and final break from the lingering political negatives of the Abbott era.

And Labor will no longer be able to run lines about cutting payments to families while giving big business a tax cut or hitting students with $100,000 degrees.

These, like the pursuit of banks, have been potent lines for years.

The problem with junking billions in revenue provides fresh budgetary challenges and if there were easy alternatives out there, they would have been adopted by now.

This week's rush to sledgehammer development work within the Treasury portfolio on curbing capitals gains tax concessions as part of a housing affordability policy, shows the government hasn't evolved far from the February follies of 2016 when it put everything on the table and then, other than superannuation, pretty much baulked at the lot.

The Reserve Bank, the Treasury, Ken Henry, the Business Council of Australia, and most economists say CGT should be curbed to help with housing affordability.

Labor already has it as policy, so it would not be politically contentious. It would even raise revenue. Yet, judging by the speed with which Mathias Cormann, who is close to Turnbull, kneecapped the idea, Treasurer Scott Morrison looks set to be overridden again.

Phillip Coorey is The Australian Financial Review's chief political correspondent.