A big day in Canberra for business and unions

Former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser wants to preserve the industry super fund status quo.
Former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser wants to preserve the industry super fund status quo. Alex Ellinghausen

Big business and unions had a bad day in Canberra on Thursday with significant losses on separate issues that they regard as being critical to their existence.

Big business copped it first. Early in the day the Senate Economics Legislation Committee released a report giving the green light to the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2016.

This bill enshrines the reforms to the Competition and Consumer Act recommended by Ian Harper's review of competition policy. Section 46 of the Act will be amended to prohibit a corporation with a substantial degree of market power engaging in conduct with the purpose of, effect or likely effect of substantially lessening competition.

The big supermarket chains and the Business Council of Australia fought particularly hard against this legislative change. But they could not beat the lobbying power of the National Farmers' Federation, Master Grocers Australia and the Council of Small Business Australia.

The legislation can proceed through parliament now the committee has given its rubber stamp, notwithstanding the dissenting reports by Labor and Nick Xenophon. Xenophon put forward the idea that courts be given the power to break up large companies that contravene Section 46.

The problem for big business is that there is now tremendous uncertainty about how the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will interpret the law when complaints are made.

The reforms are likely to make boards of directors more conservative when it comes to risking capital investment on expansion in markets with smaller competitors.

Startling omissions

The unions suffered their loss when former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser delivered a report on industry super governance that contained no compelling arguments for not appointing independent directors to no-for-profit super funds.

There were some startling omissions in Fraser's report. There was no mention of the Cooper Review or David Murray's financial system inquiry, both of which recommended industry super governance reform. Fraser argued retail super funds need independent directors because of conflicts of interest, but failed to recognise the multiple conflicts of interest involving industry super fund directors.

Fraser's year-long review was mistakenly labelled independent by the two organisations that commissioned it: Industry Super Australia and Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees.

Fraser was the face of industry super in a series of advertising campaigns several years ago. He chaired the board of an industry fund entity called ME Bank.

When Fraser turned up at the office of Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer on Thursday he had the ISA and AIST representatives in tow. O'Dwyer asked Fraser to talk to her on his own in her office.

Fraser was left in no doubt that the minister was not convinced by his arguments. She will be proceeding with legislation mandating a minimum number of independent directors on all super fund trustee boards.

AIST comes out of this looking hypocritical. Its representative sits on the ASX Corporate Governance Council urging boards of public companies to have a majority of independent directors. But its own code of governance for industry super funds recommends equal representation from unions and employers while banning industry super funds from having more than a third independent directors.