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Lambeth Landmark, the fast way into Lambeth Archives image collection.

Lambeth Landmark showcases the best images from Lambeth Archives collection of over 50,000 photographs, drawings, prints and watercolours. You can also buy photographic prints of most images from the site.

Here you will find historic and contemporary pictures of the borough's streets and buildings - from Waterloo through Brixton and Clapham to Streatham and Norwood. There are portraits of the people, the communities and the personalities of Lambeth, its events and disasters.

Buy your Lambeth local history publications on-line
We now have a range of over 120 titles including maps, postcards and books; many published locally and often only available through Lambeth Archives. To browse available titles click on the "Books" icon on the navigation bar.

Learning with Landmark

Lambeth's new elearning site takes you across three centuries of history in the stories of nine different children whopassed through Lambeth. Meet Violet, Ronnie & Yusuf and discover their stories.

An enormous archive of photographs taken by the Lambeth Town Planning Department in the 1970s and 1980s has just been added; this includes many now vanished streets. Go to Search page and click on Department of Town Planning collection

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