General Information

Sunday Life Magazine is inserted into The Sun Herald and The Sunday Age. It is a saddle-stitched product printed on 55gsm Norstar, using coldset web offset technology with mid tack uncoated process inks. Finished product size is 315mm x 275mm.

  • Measurements are given in millimetres and are as height x width.
  • All live copy must be kept within the type area; this includes all text, image, keylines and keycodes.
  • Type Area Only specs on broken space ads are designed to sit within the Type area of the whole page.
  • Broken space ads that bleed are designed to centre the type area within the ad space.
  • For type area across the gutter, please allow minimum of 3mm clearance on each side of the spine.
  • Perfect-bound issues require a wider gutter. Please allow a minimum of 6mm clearance on each side of the spine.
  • Do not use fine borders around the edge of a bleed advert. We cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of trimming due to the nature of web offset printing processes.
  • Mechanical specifications are subject to change without notice. Please confirm with production.


Fairfax Advertising Production Support
1300 666 326

Mechanical Specifications

Page Specifications

SizeType Area (mm)Trim Size (mm)Bleed Area (mm)
Full Page295 x 255315 x 275325 x 285
1/2 Horizontal133 x 255153 x 275163 x 285
1/2/ Vertical295 x 116315 x 136325 x 146
1/3 Horizontal80 x 255100 x 275110 x 285
1/3 Vertical295 x 73315 x 93325 x 103
Horizontal Strip 30mm10 x 25530 x 27540 x 285
Cover Spine Strip325 x 15


SizeType Area (mm)Trim Size (mm)Bleed Area (mm)
Double Page Spread295 x 530315 x 550325 x 560
1/2 Spread133 x 530153 x 550163 x 560
1/3 Spread80 x 530100 x 550110 x 560
Horizontal Strip 30mm Spread10 x 53030 x 55040 x 560

Creating your PDF

Please refer to the PreparingArtworkSundayLife.pdf* document for instructions on creating your PDF and to download settings files.

*The configuration and settings files referenced and provided in this document are packaged as .ZIP archives. Macintosh and Linux computers are shipped with unzip utilities. If you are using Windows, you may need to download a ZIP utility to unpack these files. There are a number of applications available on the internet and while Fairfax does not endorse any particular product, we provide a link to a widely used, free and open source application: 7 Zip for your convenience.

  • We accept press ready, high resolution PDF files.
  • We recommend saving the file as an EPS out of your native program and using Acrobat Distiller to create the PDF.
  • PDFs generated from within Office packages such as Word, Excel, Publisher or Powerpoint are not acceptable.
  • PDFs generated from Adobe Photoshop are not acceptable.
  • PDFs created from native programs such as Indesign, Quark Express, Illustrator or Freehand are acceptable.


When preparing your advertisement in your native program, please ensure that your paper size and your advertisement size are the same. Registration and trim marks are not required.

Fonts and Type

We do not recommend reversing text out of four colour images.

Minimum type sizes

  • SINGLE solid colour: 6pt
  • COLOURED type on a white background using two or three colour plates: 8pt
  • REVERSED type out of one colour plates: 8pt
  • REVERSED type out of two or more colour plates: 12pt san serif bold


All colour must be supplied as CMYK.

Total Ink Coverage

Please ensure all elements including any TIFFs, JPEGs, or EPS images within your file do not exceed CMYK Total Ink Percentage of 270%.

Image resolution

We print at a linescreen ruling of 133lpi.

Please supply a minimum of:

  • Images: 300dpi
  • Single Bitmap: 2400dpi

All logos should be supplied as either single bitmap or vector artwork.

Delivery Channels

Please refer to the Delivery Methods document.


Material: Thursday 10am, 10 working days prior to publication date. Material received after deadline is automatically viewed as out of specification

Revision: 7.19 Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!

Disclaimer: Whilst internal production processes may verify that material is within specifications the onus is firmly on the tradehouse to supply material within specification. It is also a requirement of our specifications that advertising material be delivered on time so quality checking procedures can take place. Late material is liable to incur additional production costs. Fairfax Media reserves the right to refuse any material that does not meet our specifications