Daily Life

A Sanity-Saving Approach to 2017

The year we're leaving behind wasn't an easy one for many, and more than a few people I know are looking to 2017 for new beginnings, a little more joy, and a lot less drama. With challenging experiences comes perspective, so instead of striving to reach new heights, do more and be more, I for one am taking a different approach as January 1 draws near. I aim to welcome a more peaceful life into being, to focus on what I really love, and to adjust my definitions of success. See if any of these ideas strike a chord for what you'd love more of in the year ahead.

Nourish and nurture

If you think of your day as being broken up into thirds, what you'd like to prioritise becomes crystal clear. About eight hours is dedicated to sleep, eight or so to work, and the rest is yours to do with what you will. It makes sense to spend as little of that time as possible on chores you don't enjoy, and as much as possible on taking care of you.

Tip: If you can re-frame how you think about chores and turn them into tasks you enjoy, so much the better. Cooking nourishing meals, for example, can become a time to unwind, have a chat (even if it's on Skype), and get creative. Not convinced? Just add wine and your favourite music.


Streamlined living

Rushing is the new normal, but in 2017 I'm going to say no. Yes, most of us need and want to work, but there are ways to work smarter before, during, and after your working day to slow down the pace and up the enjoyment factor.

Tip: Reduce your wardrobe to go-together pieces you love, put systems in place at home and at work to streamline your day – doing so will reduce the need for decision making and free up a surprising amount of time.

Welcome home

There's nothing quite like the feeling of opening your front door, dumping your bag, and kicking off your shoes after a day in the office or out and about. You have the whole evening ahead to spend as you please because you've – on purpose – said no to busyness. 

Tip: Turn off your wi-fi, put your phone on flight mode, and plant yourself on the couch. Colour in, flick through a cookbook, or lose yourself in a page turner.


Sensory upload

Whether your live in the inner-city or amid acres of open space, most of us spend the majority of our days indoors. The benefits of breathing in the sights and sounds of nature – even if just down at your local park – have been proven time and again by scientists. "The more high-tech our lives become, the more nature we need to achieve natural balance," explains Richard Louv, in his book The Nature Principle. As well as lowering blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels, time in nature is known to reduce stress levels, improve immune function and facilitate good sleep!

"The outdoor world can expand our senses and reignite a sense of awe and wonder not felt since we were children," writes Louv. "Nature can help us feel fully alive."

Human perception researchers are also concluding we have more senses than just taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. We could have as many as 30 senses, and what better way to ignite them than through nature?

Target rethink

We're pre-programmed to earn more than last year, progress up the career ladder, and acquire the things we covet. But what if, even just for this year, we take a breather and say "I have enough; I am enough." Getting to this point requires a stocktake of everything you have that's great – it could be your health, the fact that you have a job that enables you to make your mortgage payments or rent each month, or even that you have enough to eat. If you can count any of these things as blessings in your life, you're doing better than most on the planet. Appreciate it. Take a pause. You are enough.

Slowly does it

It can take practise to build breathing space into your life. The idea is to make downtime as appealing as possible. Don't just take a bath, in other words, soak in an aromatic bubble bath with a candle or two and some ultra-soothing music by your side … or an ice-cold beer if that takes your fancy. Whatever works.

Tip: If you don't have a bath, or it's not your thing, think about what else you could do that really makes you slow down. Meditation, long walks, writing, reading, drawing, cooking … try a few out and see what sticks.

Meaningful connections

Squeezing in a coffee with a friend shouldn't be a challenge, but packed schedules and commitments often mean it is. What if, instead, you planned ahead for an unhurried get-together over lunch with the people you like most, or would love to get to know better. Lingering over good food with friends is considered one of life's greatest pleasures across the globe. More of it, I say.

Worthy weekends

I'm spending time thinking through what I genuinely need to do on weekends, so any free time I have can be value-packed with things I love, rather than just packed. Careful thought is required here, because some things I fill my off time with don't immediately spring to mind as things I love. I don't leap out of bed on Sunday morning busting to work out, for example, but I love the extra energy, feelgood endorphins and fitness that comes with it. Therefore, I love exercise, I've concluded. 

Finances on auto-pilot

The more money we make, the more we tend to spend – that's just human nature. If you're not a budgeter nor naturally frugal, at least divert as big a portion of your income as you can into savings every time you get paid. Set up an automatic diversion for forced savings – your spending will soon adapt accordingly. I do this already, but next year I'm going to up the portion I save a little. The more I save, the more travel choices I'll have. And what better way is there to spend money? If you're more sensible than I am, you should probably divert a little extra into your mortgage each month as well, even if it's just a few dollars.

Stop … in the name of love

Saying what we feel, showing we care, spending quality time – these things are what we often regret when crisis strikes and we lose someone we love. The beginning of a new year is the right time to ensure we have no regrets later. Write a letter, hug a little harder, laugh a little more, give someone your full attention. You know what to do.

House into home

In the spirit of Japanese decluttering expert Marie Kondo's KonMari method (she encourages keeping only what sparks joy in your home), I vote that 2017 be all about getting in touch with who we really are and what we really love, and reflecting those values, quirks and favourite things in our homes. Fortunately, trend forecasters are predicting an 'anything goes' decorating movement in line with our desire to make our homes a haven from the harried world outside. 

Go gently forth

Living life more gently doesn't mean you have to give up on your dreams. Setting a clear intention for what you want has a habit of setting the wheels in motion and, over time, coming to fruition without undue force. Tape up a photo or two by your desk of your dream holiday, home or symbol of what you truly want and have a little faith. Taking small steps towards your goals each day might suddenly feel easier.

Find inspiration for your home entry

Line your wall with photos you love – find the right picture frames here

Thinking of building a deck? Find a professional in your area

This article originally appeared on Houzz.