
February 12

Zoos are for people too

A day at the zoo can be an expensive exercise at the best of times ("Taronga Zoo's harbourside eco resort plan slammed", February 5). Granted to cost of upkeep for our iconic 100-year-old institution would be high, although one wonders whether the cost of admission may restrict some visitors. If the zoo's management and board have sufficient capital to undertake the proposed works, then the question must be asked why can't that be reinvested into improvements consistent with its central purpose, a zoological park? Pandering to a demographic looking for a high-cost experience does nothing to accommodate those who want to live the experience of the pleasure of a day at the zoo.

Allan Gibson Cherrybrook 

Grass beats plastic

I write to add my call to reject synthetic grass sport fields ("Clubs queue for a place to play", February 5). I play tennis and these synthetic grass courts require special shoes in order to not slip over or injure knees with sudden stopping, especially when dew covered. Additionally, they do not allow proper drainage as does a normal grass field which preserves water in the soil. Grass is also a resource for native wildlife. Why replace a perfectly good, natural surface like grass with something made from plastic?

Elizabeth Gossell Illawong

Howls of approval

With the disturbingly high "wastage" rate in the greyhound racing industry every year, it is heartening to see former racing greyhounds being appreciated and loved by their new owners ("Project documents greyhounds' new lives", February 5). Project Hound deserves howls of approval for its outstanding work in saving so many of these elegant and misunderstood "canine pussycats".

John deBres Rose Bay


Children must not be pawns

.In the continuing turmoil of the school funding issue it is indeed important to recognise the inequities that have resulted and change the formulas to accommodate. ("Private school funding targeted", February 5). It is also important that our children are not used as "political pawns" and set against each other. It must not be a "take from one and give to the other" proposal, but a funding scheme based on genuine need.Our children are all part of the same future and deserve to be treated as such.

Janice Creenaune Austinmer

Hypocrisy, Mr Abbott

The audacity and hypocrisy of Tony Abbott is breathtaking ("Keep the faith on same sex marriage, Abbott warns Prime Minister", February 5). Reminding Malcolm Turnbull to honour his clear election promise of a plebiscite, and not a free parliamentary vote, on same sex marriage, he states that "people are more cynical about politicians than they have been at any time in history". If Mr Abbott wonders why this might be, he only has to look at his own election promises of no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions and no cuts to the ABC or SBS under a Coalition government, or his famous last words as prime minister, that there would be no wrecking, no undermining and no sniping. If he's looking for some gratuitous advice, perhaps Mr Abbott could listen to his mentor John Howard, who said that former prime ministers should adopt a low profile and keep their opinions to themselves.

Alan Marel North Curl Curl

May's wonderful memories

What wonderful memories for May Bartlett of her growing years in Rozelle ("May watched working class suburb Rozelle gentrify over 90 years", February 5).My husband and sister-in-law were both born at Nurse Constance Hospital in Rozelle and lived with their working class parents in Rozelle. Both attended Rozelle Public School and Rozelle Boy's Technical School. King George Park and Callan Park Hospital grounds was their playground. Fishing near the outlet from the Balmain Power Station yielded fish for the family table in the '40s and '50s. Billy-cart races down the steeps hills, a day of fun for the local kids.The family home still stands today and a few years ago when visiting the area, the current owners invited us to view inside. Interiors were the same; the children occupied the same rooms as my husband and sister-in-law. Renovations to the rear of the house were modern and open planned. This bought back happy memories for us, seeing a home transformed which was built in 1892 and growing up in this working class suburb. I hope the new owners of May's cottage realise the gem they are purchasing.

Gloria Velleley Belrose