
Postscript: You can link Donald Trump to Hitler if you can back up your case

In a week in which President Trump gave Australia a stark demonstration that he's going to smash conventions, it seems apt the Letters team reconsider one of our own. An email from Ann Mary Garnsey, of Wahroonga, is the catalyst: "I hope that in light of recent events concerning the new American President you will rethink your tips on writing a letter to the editor saying that anyone who mentions the Nazis has lost the argument."

Our admonition is related to Godwin's Law – devised by US lawyer Mike Godwin – which states: "As an online discussion continues, the probability of a reference or comparison to Hitler or Nazis approaches one." An accepted corollary of this law is that the first person to mention the Nazis has demonstrated a lack of intellectual rigour and has lost whatever debate they were engaged in.

The idea behind adopting this standard was to stop glib comparisons to a dark chapter in world history. But even before the rise of Donald Trump, a blanket ban on the Nazis was a bit glib itself. In 2015, Godwin wrote in The Washington Post: "If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician." We agree and will amend our rules – but will be taking care that any references are thoughtful and not repetitive. 

And we want to hear from you for a new project: Letters that Change Lives. Let us know if writing a letter to the Herald or even reading one has altered your life or those of others – inspired you, consoled you, opened up opportunities, changed government policy, or any number of other possibilities. We want to hear your stories via

Julie Lewis Letters co-editor