
Catastrophic heat fails to convince deniers

Vast tracts of NSW are now classified as "Fire Risk: Catastrophic" ("Sports off, hospitals brace for sizzler", February 11-12). Penrith had its hottest-ever day at 47 degrees on Saturday.

Territories north and west of Sydney are now being described as "as bad as it can get". People are being advised to evacuate because no house is designed to resist the force of any fire under these conditions, and if a fire occurs in their area they will "quite likely die". I've never heard a Rural Fire Service chief use that phrase before.

If you'd planned a camping trip to the NSW bush this past weekend, you were told in forceful terms to cancel it and go some other time.

Meanwhile, in an inane bout of amateur theatrics, government ministers this week brandished a lump of coal in our national Parliament and fell about laughing when Prime Fizzer Turnbull called the Labor Party's commitment to renewable energy "ideological". Naturally, the climate deniers' commitment to coal (now mystifyingly termed "clean coal", whatever that seeming oxymoron is) is not by any means ideological.

Such are the brainless clods who currently call themselves a government. Some people voted for them, apparently.

Steve Cornelius Brookvale


I'm guessing Malcolm Turnbull is pretty comfortable in his air-conditioned home and that it is unlikely the power will be cut to Point Piper any time soon. Therefore, I guess he thinks it's good to go down the Trump track, ignoring global warming and embracing King Coal. Many of us, however, and especially the poor, the elderly and rural people, are having the reality of climate change seared into our minds with every passing blazing day. Perhaps Malcolm needs to reassess his nonchalant do-nothing big-business-first attitude before he is consumed in an electoral conflagration by the awakening angry steaming voters.

Jennifer Briggs Kilaben Bay

How ironic that Scott Morrison chose a week when almost all of Australia was experiencing unprecedented heatwave conditions and catastrophic bushfire dangers to do his Show and Tell performance in Parliament with his gift from the Minerals Council.

History is unlikely to remember the names of the mediocrities who are supposed to be governing the country in the interests of its citizens, but future generations are sure to look back with incredulity and anger at the failure of governments in this era who turned their backs on science in order to satisfy their political donors, the fossil fuel industry, and sat back while the planet reached the stage where climate change could not be stopped, let alone reversed.

Politicians like to talk about not leaving a debt to future generations. How about the terrible debt of climate change?

June Simpson Petersham

Perrottet a hypocrite

Dominic Perrottet doesn't think "it's fair that my generation is going to foot the bill for modern day governments that don't live within their means" ("Perrottet vows 'tough' reform as Treasurer", February 11-12). What a load of neo-liberal hogwash! Let's talk intergenerational equity. It's not fair that future generations will have to bear the monumental costs of climate change when his government has fast-tracked coal mine approvals and dragged its feet over transition to green energy. It is unfair that future generations will be deprived of rare and unique biodiversity because his government has sanctioned wholesale clearing by farmers, developers and miners. It is unfair that his government has robbed future generations of access to publicly owned heritage buildings by leasing them out to private interests. Future generations will be paying over and over again for Mr Perrottet's privatisation follies.
Renata Bali Strathfield South

Canterbury wails over rampant development 

Having lived in the Canterbury Council area for 33 years I am not surprised at any disclosures about suspect dealings ("Canterbury Tales", February 11-12) Cheap-to-build and expensive-to-buy apartments have sprung up all over the council area. There is no housing shortage here.  Empty apartments above empty commercial premises abound and yet the council approves the building of more of these badly built eyesores which will soon become slums. 

The population of the area is increasing by the thousands with no increased amenity by the council and with WestConnex incursion into the linear park beside the M5 there is actually less recreation area.The current administrator seems to be taking a more responsible attitude to the community need than the council has for decades. Maybe he needs to stay and we do without an elected council of Liberal and Labor hacks who have zero commitment to the community.

Margaret Short Belmore

The SMH is to congratulated on revealing the outrageous flaunting of planning laws and regulations by the former Canterbury council. Former Canterbury mayor Brian Robson's comments that "you've got to trust your bureaucrats" and how councillors "started getting messy" are, at best, disingenuous excuses. What has resulted from the seemingly unfettered building development is traffic gridlock, huge apartment complexes with no green space or play areas and predictable stress on infrastructure such as schools and transport. As a local I can only hope that the future building plans are regulated with more than just the financial wellbeing of the developers in mind.

Jennifer McKay Ashbury