

Abuse: Government funds for Catholic schools should be stopped

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has brought to light thousands of incidents of sexual abuse of children by people in authority in the Catholic Church ("Catholic Church can hide no more", February 8). I have been shocked, appalled and saddened by these crimes against children. It seems that many occurred while children were at schools managed by the church.

An Islamic School in Sydney has had its Commonwealth funding withdrawn due to misuse of those funds, and rightly so.

Taxpayers should not be expected to support the funding of any institutions that do not abide by the conditions for which funding is granted.

In the case of schools, surely this would include a failure to provide due care, in loco parentis, of children at those schools. One would certainly expect that no child would become a victim of a serious crime while at school.

And yet, this is precisely what the royal commission has uncovered. Not only were thousands of crimes committed, but the institution receiving the funding has been apparently deliberately covering up these crimes. It is apparent that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Australia was aware of many crimes being committed, and yet did nothing – or worse, actually punished victims for speaking up.

It is not acceptable to consign these crimes to history. It is not acceptable to maintain funding to an educational institution that has failed at the most fundamental requirement of being in loco parentis.


If the Catholic Church were a business or government institution, this abject failure would bring about condemnation from government and cessation of funding with no expectation that the institution would ever receive funding again.

I believe it would be an appropriate response to withdraw funding from the Catholic Church for delivering education services to Australian children.

The money saved could pay for monitoring of non-government schools to ensure that they are capable of delivering high quality education in an environment where children are safe.

Jane Robinson Nicholls

As your editorial suggests, 7 per cent of priests sexually abusing kids is a very large number indeed. And, given no one likes to give up power, particularly when that power lies between a human being and their God, the Catholic hierarchy will need to be dragged into permanent change if this is to stop. Using Ireland as a reference, lip service will be paid unless the imposed change is regulated and policed. Failure to adhere to a serious level of control will see us back where we started in no time flat. Let's get it right this time.

Ted Keating Tallai

Bigger population not good for society

Manbir Singh Kohli (Letters, February 8) criticises Dick Smith's calls for population sustainability based on several myths. The first myth is that an economy necessarily grows through access to a larger domestic market.

Tell that to our car industry, which thrived with a smaller population. In the age of increasing automation, the real drivers of per capita wealth are investment in education, skills, innovation and productivity, not rapid population growth.

The second myth was that immigration reduces ageing and provides a wider tax base. Immigrants age too. Research from across the OECD also shows that as societies age they naturally adjust by many people choosing to work longer. This maintains the workforce participation ratio and tax revenue.

Rapid population growth benefits the few (mainly property developers), and costs the many. We need a proper public debate, which can only come through a national population plebiscite that includes the option to cap annual permanent immigration at the twentieth century average of 70,000 per year.

William Bourke, Wollstonecraft

Manbir Singh Kohli makes some compelling points about how population growth benefits our economy. Unfortunately we don't live in an economy. We live in a society on a planet that is increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change, politicians working for mates and lobbyists instead of the people and refugees who are being blamed for the world's ills instead of supported. What good is an economy if we can't all live in tolerable conditions?

Margaret Grove Abbotsford

Toll burden unjustified

Road toll collectors are making huge profits with more to come ("Toll collector's surging profits", February 8). Did anyone really expect it would be otherwise? That is what happens when you let the private sector into the provision of essential public services.As reports from the Auditor General have shown, more traditional methods of financing and construction would have given the taxpayer the necessary facilities more cheaply, with only occasional exceptions. Moreover, charges and profit levels would have remained firmly under the control of an elected government.

Greg McCarry Epping

Welfare changes are just ideology dressed up as fact

Christian Porter, Minister for Social Services, has introduced an omnibus bill of welfare changes and savings into Parliament ("Government announces major compromises to secure Senate support for childcare package", February 8).

Minister Porter has been spruiking the bill on the basis that the government can't afford to live beyond its means and spend money it doesn't earn in a tax year. This is the exact opposite of government policies on negative gearing and big business tax reform, where individuals and organisations are urged to borrow to invest more than they earn with financial returns expected in the long run.

The Coalition is prepared to use taxpayer funds to underwrite part of that growth in private wealth. Investing in wealth creation is either good or bad – it can't be good when it applies to the haves in society and bad when it applies to the have-nots. Yet this is precisely the line the Coalition government is pushing.

Those who argue that investing in welfare services is a public good with excellent returns on investment over time are demonised, as are those on welfare services – witness the recent Centrelink debt recovery debacle. Whereas those who negatively gear are described as "ordinary Australians", despite considerable evidence to the contrary, and big business profits go offshore. We're being sold a pup or at the very least political ideology dressed up as fact.

Jennifer Raines Newtown

Fahour and rich get richer, poor get poorer

If the PM thinks Ahmed Fahour's pay is too high at a mere $5.6 million what does he make of a top banker like the Commonwealth's Ian Narev taking home $12.3 million last financial year? ("Malcolm Turnbull says $5.6 million salary of Australia Post boss Ahmed Fahour is too high", February 8).

Obviously banking is seen as a far more complicated business than the top postie's, as a succession of investigations by Fairfax and Four Corners has revealed. Meanwhile, at the bottom end of town some of the lowest paid workers – waiters, cleaners and the like are bracing themselves for a big pay cut, if the expected reduction in weekend penalties goes through. Maybe it's as simple as this (with apologies to HG Nelson): at the top too much money is never enough, while those at the bottom of the pile are always getting too much.

Nick Franklin Katoomba

The $5.6 million paid to Australia Post's Ahmed Fahour is a disgrace and such extravagant remuneration should be stopped immediately. Under Fahour's stewardship the service offered by Post has plummeted while its charges have escalated to almost luxury item status.

Our business regularly receives priority paid mail, and judging by the postmark dates it is a considerably slower service than regular mail.

Australia Post is basically a logistics business and should be run by a senior logistics executive who understands the business, not an ex-banker.

Victor Marshall Erskineville

It is obscene to pay the head of Australia Post 10 times as much as the Prime Minister, when the service is abysmal, and getting even worse.

I posted a calendar via Australia Post ($20) to my grandson in London on December 29 – correctly addressed and duly stamped at the post office. It arrived yesterday. That is six weeks, for a service that used to take about a week.

Carolyn Richard Enmore

Let's see report behind mergers decision

At a time when trust in government is falling there is one simple thing that Gladys Berejiklian can do that would go a long way to steer the council amalgamation debate into rational territory ("Merger policy still has strong Liberal support", February 8).

She should unconditionally release the report on which the decision to compulsorily amalgamate councils was based. As long as the report remains hidden the wider community will be justifiably distrustful of the political motivation behind the policy.

Greg Loder Springwood

Some Liberals are prepared to stick stubbornly to a policy that has already lost them one Coalition seat in Orange and threatens to lose them more. Coogee MP Bruce Notley-Smith says "Turkeys don't vote for Christmas". He must think we are all turkeys. Ordinary besieged residents think he's a turkey and a seriously flawed politician. Likewise those other Liberal MPs who don't foresee what this means for their party and their seats

Note that an Electoral Commission report showed that Mosman voted 81.3 per cent against forced mergers, and Orange showed that a 22 per cent swing is easily attainable. Wake up, Notley-Smith and other disloyal Liberals. Support your Premier Berejiklian as she tries to find a solution.

William Tuck Mosman

Improving democracy

History shows that in times of economic uncertainty democracy comes under stress. Interesting to read that "elites" are looking for alternatives once again, including the model of Athenian democracy ("Not just working class disillusioned", February 8).

However, not all citizens were entitled to vote in ancient Athens. Ideally for the random selection of voters and the introduction of people's councils, there must be equity in education – something that Australia is lacking, due to the influence of its elitist and segregated school system.

A step in the right direction would be the elimination of shock jock propaganda, the end to political party donations, to the influence of corruption at all levels of government, to the increased selection of party hacks, staffers and media advisers for political office and to media monopoly. It's not so much the system itself that is the problem, it's the corruption of the system that needs to checked.

Vanessa Tennent Oatley

Sadly for PM, right-wingers staying put

I remember the last party started by a Corey ("Liberals in turmoil: Bernardi sets up own party", February 8). That was Corey Worthington, the Melbourne lad whose party became swamped by gatecrashers when he failed to mark it a private event on Facebook.

Hopefully, Cory Bernardi's new party can do much the same, but be swamped by dissatisfied Liberal right-wingers. If he can take George Brandis, Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, George Christensen and co with him, maybe Malcolm Turnbull will run the country the way he wants to run things. But I doubt it.

Alexander Gregory Elliott Bilgola Plateau

So Cory Bernardi's strategy to restore the faith of voters in politicians starts with him betraying those who voted for him. Sounds like a plan.

Michael Maguire Emu Plains

It's notable that Cory Bernardi phoned the Prime Minister but didn't make a further 300,000-plus calls to the South Australian constituents who voted for the Liberal Party ticket instead of Bernardi specifically.

Just over 2000 people voted for him personally. "Unrepresentative swill" seems most appropriate.

Rod Andrewartha Clovelly

Foreign aid saves thousands from leprosy

Tim Costello makes a very good case for increasing our overseas aid ("These are interesting times, but Australia must take on the world, not retreat", February 8).

As a former aid overseas worker, I saw many examples of lives transformed by well-targeted aid. Just one example is a leprosy program in Chad, based on the training of health workers, which is saving thousands from the horrors of leprosy through early detection and treatment.

Andrew Macintosh Cromer

Trump's bouffants

I'm not sure about Hugo Zweep's favoured (Dutch) "onnozel" for Trump supporters (Letters, February 8) but the full-face picture of D.T.'s coiffure, above that, suggests "Bouffant(e)s" as a collective; at one with his output of puff and nonsense and descriptive of the reckless tweet-bleating of views and intentions (which would be less threatening if the multi puff-pastry layers did not cover such potentially explosive pie filling.)

Colin Booth Narrabeen

$40 million outrage

So instead of a hospital getting a new oncology ward or paediatric wing or someone getting a new school, we are going to spend $40 million on knocking down a perfectly good stadium so that the members (myself included) can have a slightly larger bar or a bigger swimming pool (Letters, February 8). Seriously?

Carol Matthews Bondi