Small Business

The problem with the Karate Kid method of payments

Imagine working 100 days for your employer before being paid. And chasing them repeatedly for wages, not knowing when or if the money will be paid.

You have Christmas bills, back-to-school expenses and other mounting debts. A dwindling bank account each day, despite false promises of payment, is stressful

Welcome to the world of many small business owners. A place where larger companies exploit their market power and treat suppliers like free banks. A place where even successful ventures go bust when customers take too long to pay their bills.

The average business time to pay a bill in Australia is 44.8 days, a record low found Dun & Bradstreet's latest payment time analysis. Lower inflation and interest rates are encouraging business to pay their bills earlier and reduce trade payment times.

It sounds good, in theory. But 44.8 days is the average – some businesses wait much longer to be paid. That, supposedly, is "prompt".

New Zealand firms manage to pay their invoices in 34.9 days, partly because agriculture, a bigger segment of its economy, tends to pay bills faster.


Payment data information, while useful, only tells half the story. Many small suppliers are told to send their invoice after work is done and approved.

The owner receives a job brief in February, finishes the work in March, invoices in early April and waits until June to be paid. There's a three-month gap between when work is done and payment is made, in this example.

Some suppliers have the luxury of billing in stages as work is completed. Tradesmen and technology suppliers often adopt this approach. But many other firms only bill when the work is fully done, such is the nature of the job or their customer arrangement.

I recently experienced a late-paying (ex) client. An invoice sent months ago, supposedly "fell through the cracks". The account manager was on holidays. Then their boss was away, and so on. Promises to pay on a certain date were empty. Payment finally arrived, three months after the invoice date.

Thankfully, I have a range of clients who treat suppliers respectfully. But a business that needs a customer to pay a bill at a certain time – so that the business can pay its own suppliers – can become technically insolvent because of late payment. There's a knock-on effect in the small venture's networks as other suppliers are paid late.

Worse, the owner has their bank and the Australian Taxation Office breathing down their neck for payments. All because the firm's client will not pay its bills on time.

Increasingly, attracting the best suppliers will not just be about what you pay, but when you pay it. Payment times will be a weapon in the war for talent.

The federal government, at least, is examining the problem. The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman's inquiry into commercial arrangements between large and small companies (which runs to March 2017) is well-intentioned and much-needed. Perhaps it will lead to change, but I doubt extra regulation is the answer.

Let's be real: a tiny supplier that complains about a large customer's late payments or adds penalties to the bill risks losing the work. Payment terms on invoices from some suppliers (14 days, for example) are little more than decoration in the eyes of big customers.

The small business can always bill faster, chase clients up when payment is late or sell its accounts receivable to a third party. But that takes time and money – something many micro ventures do not have. They need to be earning income, not chasing up payment.

Part of the answer is a shift in thinking and cultural change in payment times. Yes, it is naive to suggest big companies will suddenly pay bills faster because it is the right thing to do. Or that such change can happen quickly. Sadly, some managers and finance controllers have been brainwashed about the need to pay bills at late as possible.

I call it the Karate Kid style of cash-flow management (in honour of the movie). You "wax on" as fast as possible (get payments in your account) and "wax off" as slowly as possible (money going out to pay the bills). Effectively, you use the cash flow of other businesses to build your own and scale the venture.

But this model overlooks the damage to supplier relationships through late payments. Inevitably, small business owners tire of being paid late and favour customers who pay on time, through the quality of their work and availability.

As the so-called "gig economy" grows, more project work will be outsourced to freelancers and consultants. Increasingly, attracting the best suppliers will not just be about what you pay, but when you pay it. Payment times will be a weapon in the war for talent.

Ventures that pay their bills on time, or earlier, build an excellent reputation with suppliers. Top people want to work for them because they know they will be paid quickly. Agile payments will become part of the venture's strategy in the agile economy.

These ventures know that the benefits of a high-quality, motivated pool of freelancers/consultants, available at short notice, vastly outweigh money saved from paying bills late (how much is saved, anyway?).

A final thought: where are boards on this issue? Those serious about corporate social responsibility should ask management about their organisation's average payment times for suppliers and how it compares to their peers.

Surely the ethical, fair treatment of small suppliers, including payment times, is a corporate governance issue – but you'd never know it in Australia.

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