Note: This is a reader blog. It is not written or edited by the P-I. The authors are solely responsible for content. E-mail us at if you consider a post inappropriate.

Rigged? Of Course

OK. First of all, I understand that this blog is very speculative, paranoid and depressingI My discussions with friends include: “You give them (the riggers) too much credit for being smart enough to

YOU are being Manipulated

I am being manipulated. It may be genetic. A gene that wants us to be “taken care of”. It accounts for the long history of Homo sapiens cultural structure of kings & queens, charismatic dictators,


Vote (in Washington State) for I-732, the carbon tax, the best chance to reduce global climate change we’ve seen (Every professor in the Atmospheric Sciences Dept signed the letter saying so).


As Climate Change transforms the earth, the Northwest of the USA stays relatively stable. This sounds good, until one realizes that people moving from drought areas, storms flooded areas, sea level

The Majority of Republicans don’t Fly Much (except those in their own Planes)

The Republican’s comments & criticism over Hillary’s cough and walking pneumonia are really ridiculous to anyone who has traveled much. Research supports this idea. One oft-cited 2002 study in the

Great? Britain

When G.W.Bush stole the election of 2000, the London Daily Mail published a headline: “How Can 57,000,000 Americans be so Stupid?” I’m waiting for their headline for Britain’s EU exit vote: “How can

There ‘s an (Interminable) Election Going On

Sorry, I’ve been busy.  Moving, brother dying, switching computers, lecturing on climate change, starting a new life….. My old neighborhood Libertarian friend is probably lonely. But I get dragged

Trump’s reaction to the Orlando massacre

We reacted to Donald Trump’s reaction to the Orlando massacre as did everyone that I know, with incredulity that he could even imply that President Obama would possibly conspire to accept such a