One of the best ways to support independent news and music is to become a member of Thin Air Community Radio. Regular memberships are $35.

Join Now Through a Secure Server

Please consider becoming a sustaining member by donating each month.

And don’t forget to ask your employer if they participate in workplace giving, such as United Way. If so, please designate KYRS-Thin Air Community Radio as your choice!


Become An Underwriter
Meet Our Underwriters

Workplace Giving

These and many other employers will match your gift to KYRS! Ask your employer about their gift-matching program.

Rings ‘n Things, REI, United Way, Merck, Washington State Employees, US Bancorp, Boeing, Microsoft, Teck, Disney.


Planned Giving

Leaving a Legacy. If you are thinking about the long-term, please consider remembering Thin Air Community Radio in your will or other estate plans. For more information, please contact us at 509-747-3012 or email us using the Contact page.



KYRS loves volunteers! You keep the station running. Read the opportunities listed below and get in touch–we do our best to cater opportunities to your interest and availability.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email or call 509-747-3012.

General Office Help

Keep us organized! Sort and clean. Update membership and volunteer databases. Prepare grant proposals.

Membership Support

Keep us funded! Process donations. Send thank you notes.

Music Library

Review music! Listen to CDs and let us know which songs might fit the station. Organize the station’s music library.

Outreach & Communications

Spread the word about KYRS! Go tabling. Put up flyers for events. Tweet, post and take photos.

There are many ways to support your community radio station. Volunteering is one of the best!


Have KYRS Come and Talk to Your Group

We’d love to come to your group meeting, school or club and do a presentation about KYRS. Powerpoint presentations by a KYRS representative can be arranged by calling the station at 509-209-2581.


KYRS Store

Click here to visit our store and purchase the unique KYRS T-shirts, decals and more!


KYRS is proud to receive support from the following grant-making foundations:

Spokane Rotary 21

Community Building Foundation

Pride Foundation

Washington State Arts Commission

Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund

Inland Northwest Community Foundation Wasmer Fund

Haggin Fund of Inland Northwest Community Foundation

American Association of University Women

Empire Health Foundation

The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation