Good Weekend

Two of us: A miniscule spider webbed Simon Cunich and Stuart Harris into a bigger project

A minuscule spider brought together documentary filmmaker Simon Cunich, 31, and former litter collector and citizen scientist Stuart Harris, 51, resulting in a collaboration and friendship that’s still reaping rewards.

SIMON: Three years ago, I read about Stuart's spider discovery in an online article. He struck me as an unusual character, so I decided to approach him about making a documentary. I later called it Maratus. 

In 2008, Stuart was working for a government contractor removing roadside litter when he posted a photo on his Flickr site of a tiny peacock spider he'd seen in Namadgi National Park, in the ACT. When Sydney-based scientist Dr Jürgen Otto saw the image of the unidentified spider, he asked Stuart for a live specimen.

That quest took over Stuart's life. He spent three years searching Canberra bushland for a blue and red spider the size of a rice grain. Eventually, in 2011, he found it; that spider is now named Maratus harrisi, after him. 

I looked past Stuart when we first met as he didn't fit my stereotype of a serious man. He's a big guy, with tattoos up his arms. A manual labourer and rugby player for much of his life, he's also spent years in the air force; that all shows in his physical appearance. I was also taken aback by his Flickr site's images of spiders and birds alongside women in bikinis. He explained it by saying he looks for beauty everywhere.

He told me he saw himself as an underachiever but I discovered Stuart has a scientific methodical mind, is thoughtful and intellectual, despite no formal education beyond year 9.

He was pretty mischievous as a kid and was charged along with some others with stealing a guide dog donation box. That ended up in the papers and he loves saying that was his first bit of media exposure. The next time he made the news was for the discovery of the spider.


He's now totally obsessed with peacock spiders, will pull a jar out of his pocket and say, "Look what I found recently." His initial discovery led him to getting qualifications in environmental monitoring, and work at Questacon [the National Science and Technology Centre].

With Maratus screening at film festivals and community events, Stuart and I often take road trips together. He gets super excited and winds down the car windows with music blasting. He'll make me stop frequently to leap out with his camera to search for a spider. Stuart jokes he has MAD: Maratus Anxiety Disorder. 

He's done all this even though he has a fear of spiders from childhood. But he's learning to overcome it. He has a way with words, with his use of the vernacular, and a passion that engages the audience. People love the larrikin in him.

Stuart has an ability to connect with people instantly. He's fun, outgoing and passionate about life, someone who jumps around with joy, while I don't always show my excitement outwardly. He has encouraged me to be more open, asking me about my personal life. I find myself having conversations with him that I don't even have with my close friends. Stuart wears his heart on his sleeve.

STUART: I've found four new Maratus spider species by myself and have been involved with three others. My determination and perseverance come from an inferiority complex. Spiders helped change my life.

I was very excited when Simon approached me about a film but surprised at his young age. His extremely straight posture and poise immediately impressed me. I'm a bit of a waffler and Simon is far more reserved; there's a meditative quality about him. His stillness and my action are the essence of our friendship. We clicked as we found each other so different.

I’m a bit of a waffler and Simon is far more reserved in what he says. We clicked as we found each other so different.

Before long, we realised we were both David Lynch fans. We talked about his film Blue Velvet, in which you have to scratch beneath the surface to find its true nature. I saw Simon look for patterns and connections when filming me for Maratus. Like Lynch, he's subtle and symbolic.

Sometimes I like to shock people, and taking Simon to a Doom metal gig in Canberra in 2014 did that. I was also trying to educate him. He's ethical and cultured and, as a Gen X-er, I can feel a bit old-school, dated and rough. I enjoy hanging out with a quality person. Maybe some of it will rub off! Most of my friends and I tend to agree on things. You need someone who's going to challenge you. Simon does that and I like it.

On one road trip in Sydney in 2015, we had to duck for cover during a horror hailstorm. As we pulled into a service station, another car made an unfriendly gesture and I wound down the window and told them where to go. Simon pulled me up on it. I have a short wick at times and thought, "I don't want to look like a dill in his eyes, so I'll try to change." You can learn from younger people and Simon brings me up to date and keeps me in line. But he can be a bit anal and aloof sometimes and that shits me off when I want a response and he won't give it.

When we won awards for Maratus at film festivals, I would punch the air and yelp and he'd just stand still and smile. On our road trips I'd be wildly gesticulating to quirky songs like the Avalanches' Frankie Sinatra and he would have his eyes straight ahead driving with a Sydney Harbour Bridge grin and his trademark chuckle. A true stoic.

Simon possesses a mountain of skill. It's beautiful the way he gets the glint in people's eyes and the light on their face. He's a photographer first and a film-maker second, just like Lynch and Stanley Kubrick. Through him, I can look at myself and the world through a younger set of eyes and a very bright personality. I'm like a Lynch character for Simon. He mightn't necessarily agree or like it all but he's intrigued.