Good Weekend

Two of Us: Tracey Holmes and Stan Grant

Journalists Tracey Holmes, 49, and Stan Grant, 52, made the news themselves in 2000 over their relationship. They have since married and have four children, three from Stan's previous marriage and a son together.

Tracey: We'd crossed paths over the years in various jobs with the media. He was kind of removed; always quite intense. In early 2000 Stan was the host of Today Tonight and I was working on a program called The Games. Then Channel Seven sent us to cover the lighting of the Olympic flame in Greece. We'd have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and with our production teams. Stan and I got into some really interesting conversations about the world and people and politics, and I guess I fell in love with his mind. But he was married to Karla at the time.

We stayed in touch, then in a few months it became obvious that we were attracted to each other. I didn't want to interfere in his personal life; I let him deal with that; it wasn't my place. We then decided to move in together at Palm Beach in Sydney. It really was like first base [to] home run.

Suddenly, the tabloid media were trying to climb over neighbours' fences to get photos of inside our house. They chased us off the streets. I think The Daily Telegraph even ran a poll asking whether we should be living together. Stan's really good with those sorts of things. He was like, "Whatever; people are gonna believe whatever they want to believe."

The whole process made us stronger and showed me a different side to the media; it showed me a different side to Australia. We resigned from our jobs because Channel Seven didn't want us to live together. It still intrigues me how they thought our living situation was their business. I said to senior management at Channel Seven, "With all due respect, you're my employer not my father", and so we resigned within 20 minutes of each other. Seriously, a lot of people don't want to hear this, but if Stan was a white man I doubt we'd have been faced with the same situation.

I got pregnant three months after we moved in together, then we went to live in Hong Kong. We came back for a holiday in 2001 and were married at [Sydney's] Whale Beach. We didn't tell people we were getting married ... we just invited them to a brunch and they got quite a shock.

We were overseas for 14 years – the Middle East, Hong Kong and China – and Stan was off all the time working with CNN. I think he's happiest when he's with his people; Stan is a Wiradjuri man, and that was one of the big things about moving back to Australia.


We talk about everything, especially world politics. We also love going to the movies and to dinner with friends. And Stan is always reading; he's a huge consumer of books and foreign newspapers. I interrupt him with questions a lot. Sometimes he says to me, "Can you please shut up?"

Stan: We'd travelled in a similar media orbit throughout the '90s but met properly at Channel Seven when we did some publicity together for the station. Sure, I noticed her appearance. She's obviously an attractive woman but I'm pretty oblivious to that sort of stuff; I'm pretty insular.

It was on assignment in Greece that we first had significant time together. I realised quite quickly that Tracey is the opposite of me; she is quite gregarious, has a great sense of fun and sees the world in vivid colours. For someone like me, that enthusiasm was attractive.

Over time, there was a sense that here was a person who could be really important in my life and then there were hard decisions to make about that because I was married. That was difficult. But like a lot of things in life, you make decisions and they are difficult decisions, and sometimes they can be really painful for a lot of people.

Our relationship then went to another level and we moved in together. The media avalanche that followed was intrusive and confronting. The most hurtful things I saw written were definitely about Tracey ... "Holmes Wrecker" and that sort of nonsense. She was hurt. I was furious. Because here is someone who is not wrecking a home; here is someone who is making a home. Here is someone who is making my children's lunches in the morning, doing their homework with them, who is tucking them into bed at night.

While there may have been a perception we were bunkered down and there was this avalanche of negative publicity and scandal, it was so far from our reality. We were doing a whole lot of other things: we got married, a year later Jessie was born, I wrote a book [The Tears of Strangers] and we moved to Hong Kong. A headline is not a life.

Tracey is really bright. Her reading is vast, across everything from history and politics to philosophy and sociology. At the moment she's doing a PhD in the geopolitics of sport. She may be known as a sports commentator but she's not interested in results and injuries and who got suspended. She's only interested in what sports tells us about a society, and the way that sport can bring out these incredible qualities in people and unite them.

There's nothing about her that really annoys me. Sometimes her cooking can be a bit ordinary; she's the first one to admit that. And sometimes she will just keep asking me questions about things while I'm sitting there reading a book. I say, "Would you just stop talking!"