
Comment & Analysis

Australia positioned to be renewable energy superpower

Ross Garnaut says that nowhere in the developed world are solar and wind resources together so abundant as in the ...

The old joke says the questions in economics exams don't change from year to year, but the answers do. Welcome to the economics of energy and climate change, which has changed a lot without many people noticing - including Malcolm Turnbull and his climate-change denying mates.

Can Bligh win where bank bosses failed?

Former Queensland premier Anna Bligh in Melbourne on Friday. She will lead the Australian Bankers' Association from April.

First Super has written to four fund managers that it invests members' money in questioning the Domino's business model after the recent Fairfax investigation into the pizza giant.

How Australia can avoid becoming the 'white trash' of Asia


I know how Jules Verne must have felt. My recent trip to New York plus three days in Israel and two more in London was a fascinating circumnavigation but thanks to Qantas and the LLJets I did it quicker than 80 days in a balloon.

Look! ScoMo unleashes a Liberal revolution

Treasurer Scott Morrison

The federal Treasurer and the Finance Minister threw several years of Coalition dogma out the window and it's been reported as if it's just another day at the office.

Meet the new Wesfarmers Stepford CEO

New Wesfarmers chief executive Rob Scott perfectly fits the company mould.

He's a former Olympic silver medallist in rowing, an accomplished, successful and understated man who has tasted most parts of the Wesfarmers empire.

Is it time to crack down on property investors, again?

Is it time for our financial watchdogs to consider turning up the dial once more?

How the regulators respond to the latest investor loan boom is shaping up as the more interesting questions in domestic banking this year – which could have a big impact on the broader real estate market.

There are simply too many seats in the sky

Virgin has pulled its discount brand Tigerair out of the Bali market.

Pressure is mounting on Australian airlines to make fresh cuts to capacity after Virgin Australia's softer than expected second quarter left investors worrying about the state of the aviation market.

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