
NAB gets back to basics as lenders hone in on retail banking

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National Australia Bank's most senior bankers took an executive road trip this week.

Visiting towns towns across regional Queensland, Brisbane and northern NSW, they pressed the flesh with small business owners, consumers, and booked out function centres to hold community meetings.

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CBA posts record profit

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has released its half-year earnings report.

Their purpose? To get insights on how NAB can lift its game in achieving that aim we so often hear about from banks – putting the customer first – by talking directly to clients and staff, especially those outside the big capital cities.

"To bring a focus on clients and customers in the bank is a really significant cultural change that needs to be led by the behaviour of leaders," says chief executive Andrew Thorburn, speaking from the Southport branch on the Gold Coast.

It is a goal you can expect to hear a lot more about, too. Political scrutiny of lenders shows no signs of waning, which is pressuring banks to wind back aggressive sales tactics, and re-think how they distribute financial products to consumers and small businesses.

While political pressures remains on the banks this week's results from Commonwealth Bank and ANZ Bank also showed the financial outlook is starting to look better for banks as the hangover from the mining investment slump fades.


With analysts upgrading their views on bank profitability, there is a sense in markets that bank returns are recovering after a relatively soft 2016, and this is reflected in more upbeat commentary from top bankers this week, including Thorburn.

"There's growth in the economy, there's jobs being created, there's prosperity around Australia," Thorburn says.

Headwinds fade

To be sure, bank profits are still not growing as they used to – NAB's earnings fell 1 per cent in the first quarter amid higher than expected costs.

But NAB, Commonwealth Bank and ANZ have also reported lower that expected bad debts this month, proving pessimists wrong for now. CBA's strength in particular was seen as a positive for the other banks, which will release their half-year results in May.

"We see this result setting a positive tone for the sector, given statements made regarding the macro-economy and the headline surprise delivered," Credit Suisse analyst Jarrod Martin said of CBA's earnings.

Part of the reason for the optimism is that commodity prices have risen sharply and the end of a slump in mining investment is in sight.

We see this result setting a positive tone for the sector...

Credit Suisse analyst Jarrod Martin.

On the road trip, NAB business banking executive Angela Mentis, and head of consumer and wealth Andrew Hagger, also a first hand look at the resurgence in agriculture prices, visiting chick pea and beef farmers of Roma, in Queensland, who are getting paid record prices.

The biggest source of credit growth – the housing market – has also sprung back to life, so much that CBA has been forced to restrict its lending to housing investors to stop it from bumping up agains the regulators 10 per cent speed limit.

NAB, in contrast, is making a direct attempt to pick up customers CBA may be turning away, and Thorburn says it has "capacity" to accelerate in investor housing.

"We do have appetite at the moment, but I think we then come back to we'll do it in a sustained way, not a dramatic short-term way," Thorburn says.

Happier profits

This economic rebound is occurring as the industry promises to respond to the fierce political pressure by paying more attention to the needs of their retail banking and small business customers.

Thorburn and other senior executives held meetings involving about 1000 customers and more than 400 staff this week. He says there is a clear message from the frontlines: the bank needs simpler technology, and better processes to cut out errors and delays.

"They want to spend more time with customers, but a combination of regulation and complex systems, and many processes and policies which haven't been streamlined enough, is causing errors, distraction and a lot of excess time," Thorburn says.

He also held one-on-one meetings with customers in northern NSW including a surf and tourism business, a coffee maker, and fuel distributor, and says clients such as these tell him they also just want the bank to get the basic stuff right.

A common message he gets is: "Do what you say you're going to do," with a loan settlement, or the charging of fees. Failure to perform these basic functions "breaks down the trust they have" in the bank, he says.

These six-monthly tours by the bank's top brass, started by Thorburn after he took the reins in 2014, are part of a broader plan to improve its performance in the retail and small to medium enterprise segments that drive a large chunk of earnings.graphic

Every Thursday morning when the bank's executive team meets, Thorburn says, the first hour is spent recounting customer stories, feedback from frontline staff, and the latest results of customer surveys.

The key question for shareholders is whether Thorburn can get all this extra attention on customers to translate into higher returns after he has now sold NAB's poorly performing overseas assets.

'Trust deficit'

The closer focus on customer service is not unique to NAB. It is common across the banking industry, and that is no coincidence.

For one, listening to customers is partly a response to the "significant trust deficit" that senior bankers have admitted exists in the community, as they continue to face hostility from politicians after a run of scandals in recent years.

Retail and small business banking are also seen as the most promising market for the big four, and this is triggering fierce competition for business, preferably through ways that do not involve slashing interest rates or fees, such as by emphasising service.

The strong performance of CBA's retail arm – which this week posted a 9 per cent per cent rise in profits, underpinning a $4.91 billion half-yearly profit for the entire bank – is paraded by the lender as an example of how keeping customers happy can also lead to bigger profits.

Former CBA chief Ralph Norris set himself the goal of improving CBA's Roy Morgan satisfaction ranking among big four from worst to best, a mantle it now holds, and views as crucial to its high profitability.

While it has also suffered scandals in its wealth arm, CBA's chief Ian Narev this week said a rating of customer satisfaction was "the first metric we are always looking at when we are managing the Commonwealth Bank".

Ian Narev at the bank's results on Wednesday.

Ian Narev at the bank's results on Wednesday. Photo: Jessica Hromas

Returns building

NAB too says it is starting to see the financial returns from a closer eye on customer needs. It focuses on a different metric to CBA, using net promoter score, which measures how likely customers are to recommend a business to friends or family.

NAB chief operating officer Antony Cahill, also speaking from the Gold Coast, says NAB's customers who are prepared to recommend the bank are less likely to complain, they are ideal from a marketing point of view, and they tend to take out more products.

"We're also seeing that the branches that have got really high positive net promoter scores, a lot of those are the ones that are growing really strongly," Cahill says.

All the talk about customer service is also occurring against a backdrop of intense political scrutiny, led by Labor's calls for a royal commission after a series of scandals, especially in wealth management.

New face

Leading the industry's campaign against the royal commission will soon be former Queensland Labor premier Anna Bligh, who was announced as the new chief executive of the Australian Bankers' Association on Friday.

The political heat on banks may well rise another notch next month, when Thorburn, Narev, Westpac's Brian Hartzer and ANZ Bank's Shayne Elliott will all appear before the House of Representatives banking inquiry, at which questions of culture will no doubt be raised once more.

In response to this pressure, banks are now trying to distancing them selves from "sales culture" including by promising to move away from "cross-selling" – encouraging customers to take out multiple products, even when they are unrelated to what a customer is seeking to do.

A recent industry-funded review said cross-selling targets carry "particular risk of inappropriate outcomes," and Thorburn says "selling is not really a word we use inside the bank". Instead, he says it tells staff to recommend products that might suit a clients' needs, and then it is up to consumers to decide whether they buy.

Critics such as the Finance Sector Union remain unconvinced by the banks' promises to reform their sales incentives, however, and no doubt the question will be debated at next month's parliamentary hearings.