All posts in the category: Uncategorized

Flat Wage Growth Survey, 2017

A recent survey conducted by job search engine Adzuna revealed ¾ Australians are struggling to save money and afford holidays, following consecutive quarters of record low wage growth. The ABS December quarter wage price index saw private-sector wage growth fall to a record low of just... Read more

How to Apply for a Job by Phone

There are two reasons why you would make a phone call to a potential employer. Maybe you’re applying online for an advertised position but you’d like to go the extra step, or maybe you just want to call and introduce yourself to try and get a foot in the door, even if they’re not... Read more

How to Make a Balloon Dog – #worksmarter At Adzuna we harness the latest search technology to bring the most relevant, up-to-date jobs to the one place to make it easier for job seekers to find their next position. It is our mission to continually find new ways to #worksmarter, so you can land that... Read more

Win a Resume Revamp valued at up to $599!

In conjunction with Resumes To You, Adzuna Australia is offering you the chance to win a professional revamp of your resume, cover letter AND LinkedIn profile valued at up to $599. All you have to do is take our quick and easy 2 minute survey which automatically enters you into the... Read more

Building Self Confidence

IMAGE Getty Images In the workforce, skills and qualifications alone are not necessarily enough to excel. Self confidence is imperative in maximising those skills and driving yourself and your work into the foreground for the greatest exposure and results. For some, self confidence is... Read more

The 10 Most Endangered Jobs In 2017

Robots taking jobs away from humans. Well, that wasn’t hard to predict. But is it really happening? Yes and no. To give you an idea, in America, 85% of the jobs lost in manufacturing over the last decade were attributed to robotics. Pretty crazy, huh? But it’s not just robots we need... Read more

November Job Report: Graduates Outstrip Vacancies by 3,616%

  Independent research from Adzuna and a study by the National Institute of Labour Studies reveals a dire outlook for university graduates in 2016, with the number of full-time work opportunities dropping sharply. In 2008, the report from the National Institute of Labour Studies... Read more

How to Tone Your Arms at Work – #worksmarter At Adzuna we harness the latest search technology to bring the most relevant, up-to-date jobs to the one place to make it easier for job seekers to find their next position. It is our mission to continually find new ways to #worksmarter, so you can land that... Read more

How To Get Noticed For That Promotion

Image: Shutterstock If you’re of the mindset that brown nosing the boss and elbowing your colleagues out of the way is the right technique in obtaining that sought after promotion, you might like to rethink your strategy. Transparency in the workplace generally holds far more weight... Read more

How To Find A Job Through Social Media

The term social media has, understandably, lead many to believe that its sole function and purpose is socialising. What many don’t fully appreciate is the likes of Facebook, Twitter and particularly LinkedIn can be very effectively utilised to network, make important job contacts and... Read more